Chapter 6

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"WEEKEND. Andee is at his daddy's house—with her siblings Champage and Nhyr. Although, they have different mothers and they get along well. They are all quiet while having breakfast."

"Girls, is there a problem?" Nhycko asked them. "You're too quiet. What's the matter? Cham..."

"Hmmm? Nothing, 'Ddy. Just tired from school. Maybe it's Nhyr. Something's bothering her."

Nhyr shook her head several times. "Same here, Dad. Just tired from academics."

They all looked at Andee. She was puzzled by the awkward silence.

"Andee? You have something to say?" Nhycko asked seriously. "Do you have a crush? Are you not liked? Ask Champagne. She's an expert on that," he joked.

"Dad! Seriously. No way. Just friendly. Haha!" Champagne tapped her on the arm. "Come on. I'll help you. No 'TF' needed."

"Cham! Please don't compare me to you. You have so many girls. I'm glad I don't have any social media accounts. I'm sure I'd get bothered too," Andee said.

"Same," Nhyr casually agreed. "Peaceful life. Dad, if Champagne could get someone pregnant, you'd have plenty of grandchildren by now."

"You guys are too much. I'm changing already. But let's not change the subject. What's the problem, Andee?" he asked again before taking another bite of food.

"I have a girlfriend."

Champagne and Nhyr almost spit out what they had in their mouths upon hearing whay she just said. Nhycko was also startled, almost choking on his coffee. Andee became alarmed at her family's reaction.

"But it's just pretend. Not true. I'm annoyed with girls who like me, Dad. I'm not a lesbian," she quickly explained. "I'm just pissed off. That's it."

"Damn it, Andee! Would it kill you if you were a girl lover? Hahaha!" Champagne commented while wiping her mouth. "Who's the unlucky woman?"

"Gyo Adelaide Cruz Ramos. Aunt Ciene's niece."

Nhycko scratched his head, trying to make sense of it. Andee, on the other hand, felt nervous because she had promised her dad that she wouldn't use others for her own benefit.

"Andee, you know, we had a talk about this," her dad began. "Of all people? She's even related to your Aunt Kim's wife? I'm disappointed in you."

"Sorry, Dad. But she gave consent. We have the same intentions," Andee responded.

"Mutual Understanding?" Nhyr commented. "Do you like her? Does she like you?"

"No! It's not like that!"

Andee explained their situation with Gyo, and the three of them simply nodded in response.

"That's our deal, Dad," Andee affirmed.

Her siblings and her dad exchanged glances.

"Dad, two months allowance. Andee will fall for Gyo," Nhyr challenged their dad.

"Three months allowance," Champagne raised her hand. "I know Gyo. I follow her on social media! Haha. She's cute, Dad. So, three months! Hahaha!"

If only Andee could curse at the dining table, she would have, but she restrained herself from engaging with her siblings.

"Call," Nhycko signaled to their maid. "Get paper and a pen. This should be in black and white."

"Dad, seriously? Even you?!"

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