Chapter 5

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IT was necessary to rehearse for the upcoming University week. Just the thought of it made Andee annoyed because she would be partnered with Gyo.

She was already in the studio. She was currently video calling her Mommy. Her mother had many instructions for her to ensure their performance would be flawless.

"Don't outshine your partner, dear. Okay? People will notice that. Even the slightest thing," advoked her mom. "Who will be your partner?"

"Gyo," she replied quietly. "It's just annoying why it's a girl-girl partnership."

"Is there anything wrong with that, dear?"

"Yes, because I don't want to be stereotyped as a girl who likes girls just because I have aunts who are, you know? I always hear that from schoolmates. She's a Villanueva. Niece of Miss Raychel. She's a lesbian too. Mom! I'm judged every day!"

"Well, aside from being a chic girl because your dad is a 'chicboi'?"

She got even more annoyed because her mom managed to tease her.

"Kidding, my love. Just do your best in your performance. I'm sure both you and Gyo are talented. I also invited Gyo to audition. Accompany her this weekend. You will audition too. It's a great exposure, my dear. This could lead to international modeling."

"But mommy, why is Gyo included?"

"Because she has potential. I'll just send a car for you. Don't worry. I already talked to your Daddy. And he's fully supportive of this."

She connected one of her cellphones to the studio's Bluetooth speaker. She tapped the "Shuffle" icon. She wanted to dance to whatever played on her playlist and record it, so she set up another cellphone as well. She adjusted the angle. Hip-hop music was the first to play. She danced to it freestyle.

Upon hearing the next song, she put on a blindfold. She had memorized the steps because it was one of her favorite choreographies that she had seen in an international contest, "Without Me."

In the midst of her dancing, she felt the beats reverberating on the floor, keeping pace with the rhythm of the song. She knew she wasn't alone. Her movements flowed continuously.

They reached the part of the choreography where she needed to hold her partner's shoulder. Her partner complied. They executed the following steps of the choreography well and synchronized.

She prepared herself. She was right! She was able to carry her. Her partner suddenly embraced her while dancing. She wrapped her legs around her waist and her arms around her shoulders. They followed the choreography steps until it released her at the end. They faced each other's back. She held her partner's hand, and they sat down, as the music gradually faded.

A resounding applause greeted her as she removed her blindfold! She quickly turned to see who her partner was.

Both were wearing blindfolds, so they couldn't immediately recognize each other when they removed them.

"Good job, Girls!" Wayne greeted them.

"You?!" Andee exclaimed in annoyance upon seeing her partner.

Andee was even more irritated by her partner's snub. She turned away and headed to where the bags were to get a bottled water.

"Wayne, let's go with the easier choreo because the university week is coming up," Gyo said as she drank water and wiped off sweat.

"Why? Are you having a hard time? Aren't you a dancer?" Andee challenged.

"Stop it," another member intervened. "Don't start an argument. You both did great earlier. There were no mistakes."

Andee wasn't interested in the video taken by their fellow member. She took out her own cellphone and watched the video.

"Alright, everyone." They all turned towards the door. Savee Imperial, the adviser of FCG, entered. "Assemble. Let's discuss the university week."

GYO couldn't help but shake her head at Andee's rudeness. Especially the way she constantly reminded her of her supposed inferiority and accused her of using connections to get into the guild.

As the members found their respective places, they continued to praise Andee and Gyo for their excellent performance. However, one member wasn't pleased with them—Atom. She was one of Andee's peers who had also joined the guild.

"The guild's presentation is finalized. All that's left is rehearsal," Miss Imperial explained the concept, music, and sequence of the presentation.

"Gyo and Andee, you'll be second to the last. It's like what you danced earlier, but this time you won't be blindfolded since it's your first time performing together. I don't take no for an answer. We're testing your chemistry to see if you can captivate the crowd. You two are the youngest in the guild. Your seniors will be graduating. We need a new face for FCG."

Gyo felt excited about performing again, but with that excitement came nerves because it seemed like a lot of responsibility was being placed on them right away. She took a deep breath. Performing in front of a large audience was one of her dreams, so she always gave her best.

But she also imagined their clashes with Andee. How could they perfect the routine if they couldn't get along?

"Gyo..." Miss Imperial called out to her. "Are you listening?"

"Ah. Yes, Ma'am. I'm just wondering if we could have extra rehearsal time with Andee. We just met—"

"Wait. I thought you two were girlfriends?" one of their fellow members interrupted. "It's all over social media, Gyo. There's no point in denying it."

She caught Andee's glare, especially when their colleagues started whispering among themselves. They were silenced by Miss Imperial's reprimand.

"Or is it not true that she's your girlfriend?" Atom chimed in. She smirked and turned to Andee. "Andee is straight. It's impossible for her to like you."

"Girl, just because Andee doesn't like you doesn't mean she won't like other girls," another member teased.

Atom had openly expressed his crush on Andee to the guild, but Andee clarified that she didn't reciprocate her feelings, which added to her annoyance, especially with the rumors circulating about her and Gyo.

Miss Imperial reprimanded them before things escalated.

"That's their issue. If it doesn't affect the guild, we shouldn't interfere," she added.

"Actually, we just learned that our parents arranged for us to get married," Andee explained, surprising Gyo. "It's a long story. But we have no choice. We just need to live with it."

GYO deliberately waited for Andee to clarify her answer from the meeting earlier.

"Care to explain? What was that?" she asked as Andee approached.

"Which part?" Andee replied, slinging her bag over her shoulder.

"Arranged? Seriously? Are you getting back at me?"

"Hmmm." Andee nodded without hesitation. "Now you know how it feels. And I realized that girls on campus will stop bothering me if I pretend to have a girlfriend. Maybe we have the same goal. Right?"

She didn't respond immediately. Indeed, they both seemed to be avoiding people who showed interest in them.

Andee extended her right hand toward her. "Until we graduate or if any of us leaves, we'll maintain the act that we're in a relationship in the eyes of others but not to our families. Understand?"

"Okay." She shook hands with her. "Make it official. I don't want just a verbal agreement."

"Sure. I'll have you sign it tomorrow. I'll even have it notarized," Andee confirmed.

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