Chapter 4

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Even though her mom told her to befriend Gyo, she didn't listen. She continued leaving annoying comments on the latter's posts. Now, she's watching her live stream while enjoying her lunch break.

She exited the app when she saw Yara approaching their table.

"Oh, lunch. Do you know you're still being talked about on campus? The rumor of you two being a couple is spreading like wildfire. But why aren't you seen together?"

"Do I need to explain that to you? You know the truth."

She started eating. She didn't like vegetables, but she would still finish them because she didn't want to waste money. She shook her head when Yara took out her cellphone and watched Gyo's stream.

"Girl, even if you're dating Gyo, I still have a crush on her. I'm really going to be gay for her. Even though we're both pretty. Take a picture of us, then send it to me."

She did her friend's request. She reacted with a laughing emoji on her post. Because Yara captioned, "Lunch with my BB Gyo."

"Corny. She really knows how to deceive you. And then you'll even send virtual gifts. She's just milking you."

"Excuse me? Girl. That's called thank you because she makes us happy. Try having an idol so you can feel what we feel."

"What a waste of money. No way."

She ignored her friend.

"These people are idiots," Yara muttered, catching Andee's attention. "They have the nerve. Calling Gyo ugly when they look like feet. Wait a sec."

"Yara, what if. Finish your food first before you get overly concerned about that? Gyo isn't going to pay you for defending her."

"Girl, it's not about the money. I have plenty of that. But those haters? It's satisfying to clap back at them. Just wait a sec."

Andee overheard the conversation of the students at the next table. They were also talking about Gyo, praising her beauty. She sighed heavily.

"Vyster is so annoying," one of them exclaimed, irritated. "Constantly commenting 'I love you.' You'd think he's single. He might even get into a fight with Gyo because of this."

Her phone rang. Her Aunt Kim's number flashed on the screen. She stared at it for a few seconds before answering. She had a strong feeling that this call was related to Gyo.

"Aunt... Hello..." she greeted as she slid to answer the call.

"Is it true? Ate Dee Ar just called."

"If it's about that. No. The issues aren't true. Don't tell me, it's spreading to relatives."

"Your Aunt Cienne wants to talk to you."

She felt her senses reel. She believed that several years of being cautious with her name were about to go down the drain.

"Andee Stella, who is this Vyster? I'm offended by his comments towards Gyo. Do you know him?"

"Yes, Aunt."

"Oh em gee! Girl! We need to go to Gyo. Vyster is serenading him!" Yara taps her arms several times. "Look!"

"And?" she replied, even though her Aunt Cienne was still on the other line.

"And? You're the girlfriend! Remember? Amnesia? Amnesia? Maybe Vyster will cause a scene if he gets embarrassed. He might go berserk. Come on!"

She had choice but to end her conversation with Cienne as her friend practically dragged her away.

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