A rough night and late breakfast

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Nymeria's quirk stirred in her chest, effectively waking her up for the day and alerting her to new energy signatures entering her house. Glaring at the ceiling she took a moment to let her brain run through everything that had occurred the night before.

After Kenzo had fetched Toshinori they had all sat together in the living room and listened as Izuku informed them all on how after falling asleep, he had woken up in what he described as a "quirk realm". There, he had conversed with the vestiges of the past One for All users. Apparently, fragments of the past user's consciousnesses were engraved into the quirk itself, and while Izuku didn't have a quirk himself, he had subtle mutations to his brain and body that allowed him access to said fragments.

The past users had introduced themselves before informing Izuku that due to these mutations and him not having an active quirk factor, he would be gaining access to the past users quirks over time. All six of them. So in addition to the enhanced strength that came from the combination of the original stockpiling quirk that fused with the first user's bestowal quirk, he would manifest Gearshift from Second, Fa Jin from third, Blackwhip from fifth, Smokescreen from sixth, and Float from seventh.

Apparently since Toshinori had been quirkless himself, he just passed on the enormous energy build up from carrying the quirk for so long. Izuku also admitted that the past users informed him that he already gained access to the third user's quirk: Danger Sense. They went on to explain that they gave access to this quirk in hopes of Izuku realizing something was wrong with the USJ, thus the headache he had developed.

Danger sense had also conveniently "pinged" earlier that evening in an attempt to warn Izuku that he was going to be entering the "quirk realm" later on, which apparently would put Izuku's body under a form of duress during the first visit, as it caused his body to acclimate to the different level of power that was required.

Nymeria had been very displeased to hear this, as she hadn't noticed that it wasn't a typical "headache" either time, and the thought of Izuku being in any type of duress without her or her quirks knowledge rubbed her the wrong way. Izuku was quick to assure her that the vestiges meant him no harm and that he was "Okay mom, really. I was just startled."

Another shock was revealed when Izuku spoke of the seventh user, Nana Shimura, asking Izuku to pass along a heartfelt apology and her love to Toshinori. The man had broken down into tears and buffed up into his All Might form to give Izuku a bear hug at that. It took the man over ten minutes to settle, and Izuku told Nymeria that the first user, who happened to also be her biological uncle, also expressed his sorrow at her childhood with the man he, and every other prior user, was unable to stop. Nymeria did not follow in Toshinori's steps by bursting into tears, her personal feelings leaning more towards annoyance that her son was effectively being haunted by a new definition of sentient quirk rather than sorrow for a family member she had never met.

The discussion lasted well past three am, and it was discovered that the vestiges weren't sure which quirk Izuku would manifest next, much to Nymeria's continually growing annoyance. After Izuku had fallen silent, his story told and eyelids heavy, Nymeria had commanded that the teens return back to bed. Hitoshi, despite his typical insomnia, had been fighting sleep for the final hour or so. Katsuki had remained quiet and subdued the entire conversation, worrying Nymeria slightly as the teen would normally have had at least one bratty comment regarding the situation. As she shooed them upstairs she made a mental note to check in with the explosive blonde in the morning to make sure everything was alright.

The adults in the house discussed the new information for about thirty minutes longer before Kenzo finally took Toshi back home as Cabe cleaned up their tea mugs and gave his goodnights before going to the guest room he had claimed downstairs. When Kenzo had returned home, he and Nymeria had quickly gone to their separate rooms and fallen asleep.

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