The end to a long meeting

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Hitoshi, Katsuki, and Izuku ended up following them back into the conference room after the short break. Nymeria didn't fight them on it, mainly because all that was left was answering questions anyone may have and Nymeria wanted them there in case anything came up that involved the boys. The room was quiet as they shuffled into their seats and got settled, Nymeria avoiding eye contact with everyone except Cabe and Nedzu. Both gave her slight nods, so she took a deep breath and looked to the rest of the room.

"I know that was a lot of information at once, and am thankful that you all were tolerant during the entire time. I do want to say that there are a few things we were unable to disclose due to the fact that they are still in play. One example is that we have an undercover hero working with us, and can't disclose their information or their history with us due to the fact that we are putting them into the field here very soon. Are there any questions that we can try to answer for anyone at this time?"

She made sure to make eye contact with all of the staff members and Tensei while she spoke and was soothed slightly when her friends all seemed to be doing alright and not too upset. Her eyes trailed from them to Snipe when the man cleared his throat and leaned forward.

"Yeah, I got one." Nymeria nodded as she felt her own little group settle in for the beginning of the questions.

"I feel that we have a pretty good understandin of the history due to your lil presentation, but what are the plans going forward?"

Nymeria glanced at Cabe and nodded, signaling him to answer.

"Well, Nymeria and Kenzo are both joining the staff here at U.A. both to aid in teaching, and to also be on hand and available should anything further arise from the All for One situation. This also helps us keep an eye on the boys-" He nodded his head towards the three teens before continuing- "As it's likely that they could be targeted in an effort to get to us."

Nymeria spoke next after Cabe settled back in his chair.

"Us being employed by U.A. now also gives U.A. access to our task force and resources. We will continue to patrol and do our work with the task force in America as usual, but in the event that it's needed, we have access to some... favors.... That we have accumulated over the years that we will be able to call in if the event calls for it. We also have quite a network we've built up over the years that we can lean on heavier now that we have confirmation that All for One is alive and still active. I was able to get some information out of Tomura during the fight that leads me to believe that even though All for One survived, he didn't walk away without his own injuries. This most likely means he is in Japan, not America. I might be able to sway some of the task force to temporarily moving to the area here to better provide aid."

Snipe nodded and Nymeria looked around the room to see if there were any more questions. She didn't think there would be, really. The info dump they had just received was through and realistically didn't leave much that wasn't explained or known. She could see Cabe opening his mouth, probably to end the meeting, when Nemuri sucked in a breath and drew attention to herself. Making eye contact with the woman, Nymeria could feel her face pale at the intense look she was giving her.

"So, looks like that's all the questions about that situation. What I want to know is with your personality, and Kenzo's personality, how the hell is the shy, timid, innocent little green bean your guyses spawn?!"

Nymeria blinked, and then blinked again, brain going blank and stalling for a moment. The mood in the room had improved with her question, and she thought she heard a few chuckles from some of the other staff members, but she was too busy processing the question to determine who it was. It took about thirty seconds for Nymeria's brain to start working again, and she made brief eye contact with a clearly confused Kenzo before her eyes fell on Izuku.

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