Chapter One: I'm Your Neighbor!

Start from the beginning

"Hi! I'm Liu! This is my brother Jeff. What school do you go too?!" Liu was clearly excited, not an ounce of awkwardness in his body. The little turd can talk his mouth off about basically anything.

"I go to the one close by, You in 8th grade too?" (Y/n) pointed in the direction where the school was, both Jeff and his brother knew immediately which school he went too. It was indeed their school and in the same grade level as them.

"Wanna hang out?" (Y/n) suggested.

"Yes!" Jeff even surprised himself, Liu snorted at Jeff's reaction before calling out to their Mother.

"Mom!! We're gonna play with the new neighbor!!" He shouted, their Mother responded with a 'Don't be out late!', Liu and Jeff shut the door behind them, the sky was a rich orange due to the sun setting.

"Nice bottoms dude." (Y/n) compliment Jeff's own set of pj's. Jeff's face grew warm. The new kid was actually being nice to him, even his brother. All Jeff was use too was sly remarks and verbal attacks. Having someone genuinely kind for a change was...amazing.

"Thank.. You.. Sorry, it's just-" Liu beat Jeff too it.

"He means people treat us like hot garbage and you actually talk to us like a decent human being." Yeah, what Liu said. (Y/n) physically gagged, shoving his hands in his pockets. Sick, his pj's actually had pockets!

"People can be so nasty dude, come on, let's walk around the block." (Y/n) turned on his heels, walking off, clearly expecting the brothers to do the same. You didn't have to tell them twice. The trio walked on the sidewalk, both on either side of (Y/n).

"Soooo, you guys like stalking your neighbors or is it just me?" The new kid teased playfully, (Y/n) started to walk backwards as to face the brothers. Wanting to have a conversation at full attention.

"Just you. All the kids here are either babies or too old to be our friend." Liu scowled, it's been hard... They barely got here a couple days ago and the Wood's brothers already have a target on their back for Middle School torment.

"You're literally the only one who's our age here." Jeff confirmed Liu's previous statement. (Y/n) quirked an eyebrow, a smirk filling his lips.

"Oh yeah? Cool, guess we're friends now." Wow. Just like that?? Has it always been that easy?? Then... Then why was it so hard for other people to be this inviting?...

"Really?! Awesome! You wanna sit with us for lunch?!" Liu asked happily, even Jeff was beginning to hope. Finally they caught a break from all the torment. Jeff felt a smile cross his face. The warmth in his cheeks spread down to his neck, making him feel extra self conscious if his face was beet red or not.

"Sure man, I'll eat with you guys. What do you guys do for fun?" (Y/n) questioned, he was beginning to get in the rhythm of walking backwards, occasionally looking back to make sure he didn't take a wrong step. Even if (Y/n) did trip Jeff wouldn't let his first friend fall.

"We don't really do much but watch Tv and do our homework." Replied Jeff, unfortunately they were boring. The only interesting thing about them is that Jeff would get into fights, religiously. Other than that, nothing.

"Ay, nothing wrong with watching Tv, put on some cartoons and I'm glued to the screen forever." (Y/n) stated matter of factly, Jeff couldn't disagree. Cartoons were bangers.

"Hey, how come you moved here?" Liu asked innocently, the sky was turning a red orange, signaling they would have to go home soon. 

"Ahhhh, I tried to curb stomp a kid." Jeff's mouth went agape, not what he expected to hear, especially from someone he assumed had no mean bone in his body.

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