Chapter 7

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It's a few days later and it's Green Day's first show since Sarah had baby Frankie. Billie looks pissed and Mike is trying to figure out why. Billie gets dressed and just walks off the bus. Mike goes after Billie. "BILLIE!?" Mike yells to Billie. "What's wrong sweetheart?" Mike asks sympathetic and sweetly. "It's my brothers David and Alan they are assholes" Billie says pissed off. "Why what happened?" Mike asks. "So I ordered Joey's crib and had it sent to Mom's house so it wouldn't sit outside and it came yesterday so I called and asked my two brothers if they would take it to our house and put it together for us so that way it would be ready when we got back and their response was that we should do it ourselves" Billie says a bit angry. "Wow" Mike says. "I didn't think I was asking them for much it's not like I was asking them to do the whole room. I guess I'll just fly home this weekend and take care of everything myself" Billie says storming off not even looking at Mike. Billie finds a flight back to Oakland that leaves at 2:00 a.m. and he buys his ticket.

Later that night at the show the crowd goes nuts seeing Billie. Billie is doing his thing onstage but since he can't play his guitar he just carries around the mic stand as he's singing. Later at the end of the show he gets a stool and his acoustic guitar and sits down to play Good Riddance (Time Of Your Life) and the crowd does nuts as they are singing along. The show ends they go backstage to get ready for the meet and greet with the fans out back. "Mike I'm sorry I dumped my anger and frustration out on you I didn't mean to, I love you" Billie smiles at Mike. "I love you too and I know you didn't mean it which is why I just let it go" Mike says. "And Billie you need to just let me take care of you" Mike states. "I'm trying Mike but I'm just not used to that" Billie says looking at Mike. "It's very hard for me I'm used to just being by myself most of my siblings by the time I was 10 won't around anymore and mom was working all the time because dad died so I was kind of on my own most of the time" Billie states still looks at Mike. "You have us Billie we are here for you now let's go do this meet and greet" Mike says.

Billie, Mike and Tre wounder out for the meet and greet and see a huge line of people. Those two teenage girls come walking up to Billie. "Wow you're belly is very low" the girl states. "I'm carrying a baby where I usually have a guitar" Billie giggles. " What are you having?" the same teenage girl asks. "A baby" Billie says just looking at her with a blank expression on his face. Another teenage girl comes walking over to Billie and asks the same question and Billie replies with "An Armstrong." A little later Billie speeds over to Tre. "OH MY GOD IT'S TRE COOL! sign my belly" Billie lifts up his black t shirt and Tre signs Billie's bare belly as Billie, Mike and Tre are laughing their asses off. The fans are just staring at Billie's bare belly stretch marks and all. "Well this it what 8 months looks like people" Billie says to the fans who are staring at his big belly.

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