Chapter 5

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In the morning Sarah wakes up on the beach in Tre's arms smiling. "Morning Tre" Sarah smiles. "Lovely morning it is" Tre smiles back at Sarah. They get up and head to the car. "I had fun last night" Tre says. "Me too" Sarah adds. Tre gets back to the bus and Sarah goes to work. "Dude what happened to you last night?" Mike asked. "I slept on the beach with Sarah" Tre says. "Oh I see" Mike smiles. "No Mike we didn't do anything" Tre states. "You really like her don't you?" Mike asks. "Yes" Tre says. Billie comes out from the back still in his pjs. "Hay there sleepy head, how did you sleep?" Mike asks. "Fine" Billie says still trying to wake up. "So we have nothing to do today" Mike says. "Laundry lots and lots of laundry" Billie says. "Yes" Mike agrees. The guys are getting there stuff together for the laundromat. "Let's go" Tre says. They get to the laundromat and Sarah is there. "Hay Sarah nice seeing you here" Tre smiles. Billie puts his clothes in the washer and wonders outside. "What's up with Billie?" Sarah asks. "I don't know" Tre says. "He's in his own little world" Mike adds. "You must be Sarah, you can call me Mike" Mike says. Billie comes back in. "You must be Sarah you may call me Billie" Billie says. "How are you and the baby doing?" Sarah asks Billie. Billie puts his hands on his belly. "Well I'm a bit tired and the baby is kicking up a storm in here but we are both healthy. Hay what are you doing after this, you should come to the bus and hang out" Billie says. "Sure I would love too" Sarah smiles.

Later on in the day Sarah is over and she's sitting next to Tre as we all are playing a game just having fun goofing around. Tre just kisses Sarah on the lips in front of everybody out of nowhere. Sarah is smiling and blushing as Billie and Mike just looked dumb founded at what happened. "Whoa is it hot in here or am I just having hot flashes" Billie says. "I think it's both buddy, love is definitely in the air in here" Mike says. "Oh stop it Mike" Tre says. "I should get going" Sarah hurries out the door. "Wait don't go!" Tre goes after Sarah. "Tre I just can't" Sarah states. "Can't do what Sarah? Love me?" Tre adds. Sarah looks sad. "Your leaving soon and I'm having a baby" Sarah says. "Come with us, I know you feel the same way I do I felt it" Tre says. "Tre I have work and a baby on the way I can't just go with you" Sarah states. "I'm in love with you I want to take care of both of you" Tre says. "Both of us?" Sarah questions. "Yes" Tre says. "Damn Tre Cool loves and wants to take care of me and my baby already and we just met" Sarah thinks to herself. "Come live with us after the tour we have a house in Oakland California where we are from" Tre says. "I love you Tre Cool" Sarah says smiling and blushing kissing him on his lips.

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