~*chapter #17 : root cellar*~

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about an hour or so later , Molly left and Karla was lying in bed whenever Paul walked in. "Karla?" he smirked. "aww , that's sweet." "come to bed , honey." Karla said tiredly. "come to bed , honey." Paul mocked. "please , Paul?" Karla said. "please , Paul ?" he mocked again. he went in her face. "do you really think that you can pull something like that and not have to pay for it ? huh ?" he handed her a black lingerie and looked away. "put these on." "what is that ?" Karla asked , sitting up a bit and taking it. "put them on." he demanded.

then , he made her get on her knees and put a gag in her mouth. "get on your knees , bitch. arch your back. that's right. you like that. shut the fuck up. don't make a fucking sound. yeah...that's right. shut the fuck...up. you wanna fucking die , bitch ?" he said wrapping a string around her neck. "you wanna die ?!" "ahh !!" Karla screamed now that he was finished wit her. "i'm too fucking nice to you. you know that ? I'm to fucking nice to you."

once outside , he threw her down the root cellar stairs. "you're gonna stay down here to-night...you and Tina Mcarthy." he knocked out the lightbulb and then left. Karla shakily gotten up and opened the door. Paul appeared. "where the fuck do you think you're going , huh ?" he punched her repeatedly. 

the next day , Karla still ended up going to work at the vet clinic. but a few hours later , Molly gotten a call. "hello ?" Molly said. "is this Molly Czehowicz ?" "yes." she replied uncertainly. you're Karla's friend , right ?" "who is this ?" Molly demanded. "a friend from the clinic. Karla needs you right now."

and so , Molly rve to the vet and Karla gotten in the car wearing sunglasses. she taken them off , slowly revealing 2 very bad black eyes. "oh my-" Molly commented. "i'm ok." Karla tried to reassure her. "you're not ok , the people at work-" "I told them that I was in a car accident." Karla interrupted her. 

"look , I have to finish my shift at work , then I have to get a few things from home." "just come wit me now." "just come and get me to-night at 9:30. Paul has to go across the border and I'll be alone. I'll be ready. really , I will."

but she wasn't ready. the longer that she waited , the more she thought about what he whold do to her if she ever crossed him again. she was terrified.  

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