~*chapter #9 : the wedding and the honeymoon*~

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so that's what they did. Peggy and Nick were there as well as Paul and Karla's parents. it was liek a fairytale wedding. Karla was in a gorgeous gorgeous gown and Paul was in a very handsome tux. they even gotten a horse and carriage. and while they were in that carriage , Karla handed Paul a blue envelope that had a letter in it.

it said ; "dear Paul , I love you so much. once we were an unbeatable team. you and me against the world. I want our love back. even tho we have our problems , I'm still so much in love wit you. people think that we're the perfect couple. we are. we've just gotten sidetracked. lets have a fairytale marriage liek we're meant to. all my love , Karla." 

after the wedding , they went to Hawaii for their honeymoon and Paul beat the shit outta her just becuse he wanted to get a girl and she didn't. it was their honeymoon for Christ sake !! altho in the honeymoon movies that Paul made , Karla seemed very happy but that was just becuse she knew better then to fuck up his movies. she learned that lesson...and on their return , she had a conversation wit molly and Danny czehowicze.

they were the original owners of the vet clinic. they sold it , but molly and Karla were still really good friends. they didn't liek Paul very much but they loved Karla and the dog , buddy. (he was grown up now.)

"Steve and Becca called. they're gonna come by later and visit." molly told Karla as Karla sat at  the table petting buddy. Paul walked over to the freezer to get some ice to snack on. 

"oh , good." Karla replied.

"oh , and they identified the body of that girl they found in the lake." Karla frozen and looked up. "w-what girl in the lake ?!" she exclaimed. "well , you know , the 1 that was all chopped up and in cement blocks." Paul pretended to slip and let his hand fall in the bucket of ice sense their freezer was on the bottom. "Paul , are you alright ?" molly asked , concerned. "yeah , fine , I just slipped." he replied , getting up. Karla went over to him. "he's ok. he's just tired." she promised. "ok , that's it. I'm gonna finish this up and we're gonna leave. you 2 are just too exhausted from that long flight." molly said , putting her hands on her hips.

Paul and Karla stood in the doorway to watch them leave. "bye !!" they called out , waving. as soon as they gotten in their car , Paul closed the door and grabbed kraal by the neck and backed her up against the wall. "w-what are you doing ?" she cried. "that's for acting so fucking stupid just now." "me ? you're the 1 who fell down !!" "I was tryna cover for you !! Christ , you shold have seen your face !! its a good thing molly is as stupid as you are." "Paul , what are we gonna do ?" he taken his hands off her neck and backed away. "nothing. its not liek they can trace it back to us or anything." he walked off angrily. 

even tho Paul acted calm , he was really scared. whenever Tina's body turned up so quickly , he cooled it for a while. 

but that winter was a bad 1. it was hard for him to find what he wanted so he hadda improvise.

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