~*chapter #19 : living in a fishbowl*~

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but they didn't have Paul. not yet. not legally. they needed more evidence. and all that they chold do was start watching him.

"lets put him under 24 hour surveillance , and have a wire tap authorized." detective Kirby suggested. 

later that day , Karla was still not around. Doug was at Paul's place and Paul was losing it.

"I feel like I'm livin' in a fuckin' fishbowl , man." he complained to Doug. "I don't even answer the phone-its fuckin' tapped." "you've gotten to get yourself together , man." Doug told him. Doug was his only friend left. "get a haircut , clean up !! get a job , tell the judge that you were wrong for beating Karla." Paul threw his beer bottle at the wall behind Doug and it shattered. "oh , fuck you , Doug !!" "listen , man , i'm tryna be your friend. you know , if you're gonna freak out at me and be an asshole , I'll leave. you got it ?" "sorry , its just..." "what ?" Paul went in Doug's face. "what do you think of Tammy dying ?" "I don't know. I mean...its kinda weird , I guess." "kinda fucking strange ? a 16 year old girl just dying liek that ?" "yeah." "16 year old girls don't just fucking die , Doug. use your fucking head. Karla killed her. and I have it on fucking video tape. she fucking pulled the trigger." Paul explained obnoxiously. "you have Karla killing Tammy on video tape ?" Doug's eyes widened. "is it live ? yes !! is it Memorex ? yes !! I have it in fucking living colour. and I'll tell you what , Doug. if I go down on this fucking assault charge , Im gonna bring everybody else down wit me !!" "hey , take it easy , man." Doug said , a bit scared. "you don't know , Doug , but if you fucking...if you really fucking love somebody , you will do anything to get them back. even if you have to fucking sink 'em. if she'd come back , I'd love her wit all my heart."

Lethal MarriageOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora