Chapter Two

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Five days later, Holly is laying on a clinic examination bed, the thin white sheet of paper crinkling beneath her as our OBGYN, Doctor Leanne Reynolds, pokes and prods at her exposed belly, which still looks much the same as it ever has.

Leanne is one of ours—she runs a small practice just a few minutes' drive from our lands. She loves her work and serving the public.

But, given it's generally not within Pack Law for members to open their own businesses on public lands, she has an agreement in place that she once made with my father twenty years ago that permits the running of this clinic so long as she contributes 15% of the earnings back to The Pack.

Leanne is excellent at what she does, and passionate about it too. You can see it on her face: the smile lines that have been etched into her skin are deep and defined, and there's a softness you see in her eyes that tells you she truly cares. She adores her patients and would do anything possible to ensure their health and that of their baby...That's why I knew she had to be the person to be informed first, even before my family.

If there is anything awry with the pregnancy, we need to know now, before we bring the news that will surely result in the elation of several people close to us, only to risk having something detrimental take place. It would shatter our hearts and theirs...Holly and I would never wish that suffering upon them if it can be avoided.

Holly squirms a little as Leanne continues the examination—she's so ticklish, as always—but holds still as best she can. Leanne's already asked about her family history (which unfortunately and yet obviously, Holly knows nothing about), taken her blood pressure, and listened to her heart and lungs.

I'm sitting in a chair that I've pulled closer to the bed from where it was pressed up against the wall. My hand holds hers, my thumb brushing back and forth over her knuckles rhythmically, attempting to soothe her nerves.

Although she's putting on a brave face, I know she's still scared by all of this—my wolf can sense his mate's uneasiness from miles away.

"All your vitals are great; the picture of health, Luna." Leanne smiles at Holly as she pulls the ultrasound machine close to her, placing it a few inches from Holly's bedside. "If that's any indication for the health of the fetus, I have a good feeling all will be well." she then glances over to me, and I wonder if she can tell I'm even more nervous than Holly is. "Shall we find out?"

"Yes," Holly says, the eagerness in her voice causing her to sit back in slight embarrassment, her cheeks flushing as Leanne laughs, and I can't help but chuckle too. "Please." She adds quickly, flashing an apologetic smile.

"Alright then," Leanne says as she starts to prep the machine, bringing it to life and entering in some details before she takes the ultrasound tool into her hands. She begins coating the end of it in a thick jelly. "This is what we call a transducer, Luna. It uses sound waves to penetrate through the walls of the womb and produce an image of the fetus—a sonogram."

I feel Holly's hand squeeze tighter around my own, and I look to see her staring at me in a mix of fear and delight.

"Right," Holly says in response to Doctor Reynolds' explanation. Her eyes don't leave mine. "This is crazy," she breathes, as if speaking just to me, and I smile with amusement and nod.

"It is. But it's happening, and it's going to be okay." I say this with as much sincerity as I can muster, even if there's a part of myself that's terrified too. I must be strong for her, and for the baby.

I bring her hand to my lips and firmly press a kiss onto her knuckles before bringing it back into my grip. I squeeze her hand in the same way she did mine, letting her know I'm right here with her, for every step and every fumble. All of it.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10 ⏰

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