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As the other members left their rooms, Taehyung remained locked inside his bedroom, despite the Maknae's attempts to knock loudly. Worried glances were exchanged before Namjoon decided to call out to him.

"Taehyung, are you still sleeping?" he asked, leaning in to listen for a response. There was none.

"What's up with him? He's been off since yesterday," Jungkook remarked, pacing in front of Taehyung's door with Min Yoongi. They shared perplexed looks.

"Do you think he's sick?" Yoongi's concern grew.

"Should we try to open the door?" Jungkook suggested, flexing his muscles as if preparing to break it down. Namjoon gave him a wry smile. "If we need to break in, it should probably be me. I'm bigger," he said, half-jokingly.

Puzzled by their behavior, Yoongi decided to head downstairs. "Just a bunch of goofballs," he muttered as he left.

As Jungkook and Namjoon contemplated breaking in, Taehyung unexpectedly opened the door, revealing his tired and disheveled appearance. His exhaustion was evident in his droopy eyes, dark circles, and messy hair, causing concern for the others who looked at him with surprise.

"Hey, what's up with you?" Jungkook asked, but Taehyung just walked past them, ignoring their questions. Confused by his behavior, Namjoon and Jungkook quietly followed him downstairs, exchanging worried glances.

"Good morning," greeted Jin warmly from the kitchen as he sorted through groceries and ingredients for breakfast. Taehyung remained silent while Namjoon and Jungkook greeted him back.

"What should I make for dinner today?" Jin asked, clearly in a good mood and eager to cook. "I can help," offered Jungkook, stepping forward to assist the eldest member.

Amidst the commotion, Taehyung stood up.

"I need to say something," he spoke softly, his voice barely audible amidst the noise.

"What is it?" Jimin, who was nearby, heard him and turned to look, noticing the distress on Taehyung's face. "What's wrong?" he asked, concerned.

"I have to find her..." Taehyung's gaze shifted to Jimin.

"Find who?" Hoseok interjected, eyeing them skeptically, curious about their discussion.

"The girl from yesterday," Taehyung's words caught the attention of the others.

"Are you serious?" Jimin inquired, moving closer to Taehyung to hear him better. Taehyung nodded.

"Why?" Namjoon questioned, bewildered by the sudden upheaval caused by a girl.

"I can't shake her from my mind and-"

"No way. Are you saying you're in love?" Jungkook chuckled, finding Taehyung's words hard to believe, but the atmosphere didn't lend itself to laughter. Taehyung seemed earnest, at least according to his expression.

"Taehyung, what's going on?" Namjoon inquired, sensing there was more to this than met the eye. Taehyung swallowed nervously, pulling out a book from inside his jacket. "From three years ago." The mention of those three words sent a shiver through everyone.

"Do you all remember that day? The day we were all so confused, crying without understanding why? When we stumbled upon a girl's belongings in that room, as if it had been inhabited by her, and this diary?"

"What's the significance of this? It doesn't belong to us. Are we just going to forget about it?"Taehyung added.

An eerie silence settled over the house as they all stood frozen in place, memories of that day flooding back. It had been the most bewildering phase of their lives, as if a part of their existence had been stolen away, leaving them with no recollection. They had been forced to let it go, just like that.

Jin chuckled awkwardly. "Taehyung, what exactly are you getting at? Even if that whole incident was strange and we still have no idea what happened, how does it relate to the girl we saw yesterday?" he questioned.

Taehyung shrugged. "I'm not saying it's connected to her, but last night, I had a dream about her. In the dream, we were all together, she was in this house, and... I saw her in that room," he explained, leaving everyone at a loss for words.

"Well, it was just a dream," Hoseok interjected, trying to dismiss the eerie atmosphere.

"It felt too real, like she was the missing piece we forgot," Taehyung added quietly.

"Ayy, that can't be serious, Taehyung. Come on, this is getting really absurd," Hoseok laughed, attempting to lighten the tense atmosphere. " I just need to see her one more time, that'll ease my heart."

"Are you sure you're not just making this up to see that girl again? This all sounds too suspicious," Yoongi chimed in, scrutinizing Taehyung's expression.

"Hyung," Taehyung sighed, visibly hurt, as he settled back onto the sofa.

"Well, if seeing her is what you need, then go ahead," Namjoon stated, surprising everyone. "Namjoon, seriously?" Jin exclaimed, unable to believe what he was hearing. "Come on, hyung, if that's what it'll take to cheer him up, then let's do it," Jungkook added, echoing Namjoon's sentiment.

"Wow. Alright, go ahead then. You guys never fail to drive me crazy," Jin exclaimed with a mix of amusement and exasperation. "Namjoon, you're in charge of this. Make sure it doesn't get messy. And let's not forget, this will be the first time an idol is chasing a regular girl down the street," he added before heading back to the kitchen. 

"Where do we even begin to look for her?" Jimin asked curiously. Taehyung shrugged.

"I guess we just keep going to that park until she shows up," he replied, sounding uncertain, but it was the only plan they had, eliciting sighs from everyone. "Here we go, classic stalker behavior," Yoongi quipped.

"Sounds exhilarating," Jungkook chimed in, "but it feels wrong. I hope we don't end up scaring her," Hoseok added, his expression troubled.

"Leave it to me and Jimin," Taehyung declared, seeking support from his friend.

Jimin chuckled but then nodded. "Well, alright, count me in."

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