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"Truth or dare?"


"Kiss me here."

He smirks. The scene shifts, and I plant a peck just below Jimin's lower lips.

Taehyung storms off in anger, and I follow closely behind. A bright light stings my eyes, and suddenly, he's looming over me in a bedroom, showering me with kisses, caressing me tenderly, and intensifying our embrace with each passing moment.

An alarm rings in the background, pulling me out of the dream. I strain to identify the source of the sound, and my eyes scan the room until they land on my phone. With a sigh, I awaken, realizing that it was just another dream from my past.

My heart raced in my chest, the vividness of the dream leaving me feeling uneasy. It felt as though seeing them in person had stirred up those dreams again, particularly the intimate parts. I scolded myself for having such dreams, feeling embarrassed by the intrusive thoughts that had surfaced in my mind.

I checked the time and saw it was around 6 in the evening. Getting up from the sofa, I turned on the lights. There were several missed calls from my parents, which made me realize I should call them back to ease their worries. When I spoke to them, they seemed relieved rather than panicked. They explained that Kim had been updating them on my daily activities, which initially felt intrusive, but I soon understood how it helped ease their anxiety. In the end, I felt grateful to Kim for looking out for me and keeping my parents reassured, even if it meant sacrificing some privacy.

After finishing my conversation with them, I took a shower and changed into casual attire. I headed down to the convenience store, which was only a few minutes away from the apartment. Upon entering, I immediately focused on finding items to satisfy my hunger.

After browsing for a bit, I settled on gimbap, a cup of ramen, and a drink. I decided to eat my purchases right there in the store.

While eating, my mind replayed scenes from earlier—how I accidentally ran into members of BTS and how Taehyung ended up holding my hand. It all felt like another dream, making it difficult to focus solely on my meal. Glancing at the time once more, I noted it was exactly 7 pm.

After finishing my meal, I decided to take a leisurely stroll away from the convenience store. I remembered seeing a park nearby, so I opted to spend a few minutes outdoors.

The night view was captivating as always. The air was cool, and couples strolled hand in hand while others made their way home from work. Crossing the road, I found a nearby bench and settled down, my phone buzzing in my pocket.

It was Kim.

"Miss, are you awake? Did you eat?"

I smiled at his messages, knowing some might mistake his concern for that of a boyfriend. Replying with a smile, I assured him, "Yes, I ate just a while ago. Thanks." Putting my phone away, I took a moment to admire the view around me.

The glow of the streetlights illuminated the scene, and the weather was perfect. With a full stomach keeping me warm, I couldn't help but feel content in this moment. This was all I needed.

After a few more minutes of sitting, I decided to head back. As I got up, a yelp from a man in apparent pain caught my attention. Turning around, I saw two figures on the ground—one had fallen, while the other was helping him up. Their faces were hidden by caps.

Confused, I continued walking. "Aish, Taehyunga!" The voice sounded oddly familiar, setting off a bell in my head. I glanced back once more, and the pair looked back at me, their faces obscured by masks.

Feeling a twinge of unease, I quickened my pace, the name "Taehyung" echoing in my mind. What if it was really them? Jimin and Taehyung. I stopped in my tracks once more and turned to look back, but they were already retreating.

strange men.

I hurried back, a lingering feeling of being watched making me uneasy. However, I knew it was just my paranoia getting the better of me. Once I reached my apartment, I wasted no time in locking the doors and decided to stay indoors for the rest of the night.

WHEN WORLD'S COLLIDED BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now