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The next morning, I woke up to the soft light peeking through the curtains, gently nudging me awake. As I rubbed the sleep from my eyes, fragments of dreams from my hospital days drifted through my mind.

In one, Taehyung was confessing his love, his words echoing in the dreamy landscape around me. But then I caught a glimpse of Jimin's jealous expression, adding a twist to the scene. Another moment found Yoongi sitting calmly in a cozy room, his presence offering silent reassurance amidst the chaos.

Initially, these dreams would linger in my mind for days, leaving me feeling restless. But as time went on, I grew accustomed to them, and now they're just a normal part of my life. Perhaps it's the everyday familiarity that triggers them, but I don't mind. They've become almost comforting in a way, a familiar presence that I've come to accept without complaint.

With a deep breath, I pushed aside the memories and focused on the day ahead. Today was a fresh start, full of possibilities. 

At exactly ten, the doorbell rang, and in walked Kim with an infectious energy. His hands were full with bags, and as he entered the room, he greeted me with a bright smile.

"Well, I figured out you hadn't had breakfast yet, so I grabbed you some," he announced, setting down the bags on the table. "Here's coffee, rice, kimchi, and Gyeran mari."

I chuckled in surprise at his thoughtfulness. "Does this come with the service?" I asked, genuinely taken aback.

"Nope, this is from me," he replied with a grin, his gentlemanly demeanor shining through.

I couldn't help but feel touched by his gesture, and as I sat down to enjoy the meal he had brought, I couldn't shake off the feeling that I was in good hands with Kim as my guide.

"So, what's the plan?" I asked Kim between bites of breakfast, extending an offer to share with him, but he politely declined, mentioning he had already eaten.

"I thought I'd show you around town today, but since it's the weekend and likely to be crowded, I prefer visiting a historical village instead. You might want to try on a hanbok and roam around, miss," he suggested. I considered his idea and found myself liking the sound of it.

"Cool," I replied with a smile. "And I can show you around some great cafes and restaurants for lunch later," he added. I nodded in agreement, thoroughly enjoying my breakfast. It felt nostalgic, almost like a scene from one of my dreams.

We left as soon as I was ready, stepping out into the bustling streets of Seoul. The daytime view was indeed different from what I had experienced during the night. The city seemed to come alive with activity, bustling with people going about their day.

As we made our way through the crowded streets, I couldn't help but marvel at the energy of Seoul. Vendors lined the sidewalks, selling an array of street food and snacks, while shoppers bustled in and out of stores, their arms laden with bags.

Despite the crowds, there was a vibrant energy in the air that was infectious. The sounds of laughter and chatter filled the streets, mingling with the aroma of freshly cooked food and the occasional honking of car horns.

"I know you're tempted to taste some of those snacks, but if we stop here now, trust me, it'll take us an hour just to get through that line," Kim said, noticing my longing looks at the food vendors.

"Alright, Kim, you better take me to eat some later then," I replied with a grin.

"Of course I will," he promised, returning the smile. 

In about an hour, we reached the village of Bukchon Hanok, nestled amidst the modern cityscape of Seoul. Stepping into the village felt like stepping back in time, with its narrow alleyways and traditional Korean houses, known as hanoks, lining the streets. 

My jaw literally dropped every time Kim pointed out something notably worth capturing.

"Can you please take pictures for me?" I turned to Kim, eager to capture the beauty around us.

He almost said yes, but then hesitated. "We'll find a hanbok store here. Do you want to change into one or-"

"Of course, I'd love to," I interrupted, unable to hide the excitement in my voice. The prospect of exploring Bukchon Hanok Village in traditional Korean attire only added to the magic of the experience.

The store was only five minutes away when we entered, and a middle-aged woman greeted us with a warm smile. She showed us a wide selection of beautiful hanboks, both for men and women. After browsing through the options, I decided to go with a white and purple one as it appealed to me the most.

The lady was kind enough to show me how to wear the hanbok properly, and she even offered to style my hair to complete the look. After the transformation was complete, I couldn't believe how stunning I looked in the traditional attire from a foreign culture.

My heart was filled with excitement and joy, as I admired myself in the mirror, feeling a sense of connection to the rich cultural heritage of Korea. It was a moment I would cherish forever, a beautiful blend of tradition and personal expression.

"You look so pretty in that," Kim complimented the moment I stepped out of the dressing room. I chuckled at his reaction. "Thank you, Kim," I acknowledged him, feeling a warm blush creeping up my cheeks.

As I admired myself in the mirror once more, Kim approached me with a small item in his hand. "Here, this will suit you," he said, handing me a delicate ornament. It was a Norigae, a traditional Korean decorative tassel often worn with hanbok. The one he gave me was a lovely shade of purple, perfectly complementing my hanbok.

"It's called Norigae," Kim explained, his voice gentle as he helped me attach it to my hanbok. As his fingers brushed against mine, a flutter of excitement danced in my chest. It was the first time he had been this close to me, and I couldn't help but notice how good looking he was. His presence was captivating, and I found myself drawn to him in a way I hadn't felt in years.

"Can I keep this later as a souvenir?" I asked Kim, my voice tinged with hopefulness. He met my eyes, hesitating for a moment before the voice of the lady from earlier interrupted our conversation.

"Yes, yes. This pretty agashi (young lady) can have it," she declared, her warm smile accompanying her words. I thanked her profusely before Kim and I stepped outside.

Feeling light as a feather, I was filled with joy throughout our time in the village, taking as many photos as possible to capture the memories of this special day. 


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