4 - tangled up

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Two hours after the shower incident (9:00 p.m) Olivia and Lexy are in their room putting make up on Tobi's face since he fell asleep early. Both giggling madly Olivia suddenly gasped and slapped herself with a groan.

"What's wrong babe?" "Earlier when you arrived and hugged me Kuzu was seething with envy. I need to change clothes so I can uh... Make him feel better... What?" Lexy was giving her a Cheshire grin and a knowing look with raised brows.

"Naughty naughty." she chanted, giving a 'shame on you' gesture with her fingers and tut tut'ing. "Oh shut it. I'm just going to put on a low cut tank and a pushup bra. He can't resist those." and she climbed off the bed to change out of the borrowed tee shirt the teen lent her, pretending not to notice her pouting at the action.

After she finished changing she walked to the door, and gave her a stern look. "And behave yourself and try not to get into Kisame's pants again." "Argh! Fine, I'll behave." She crossed her fingers behind her back. "Ok, I'll be back later." and she closed the door.

Olivia scampers down the stairs to find Kakuzu in the kitchen going through some papers.

"Hey Kuzu."

He replies with a grunt, not looking up from the files. "Hey."

Leaning over so she is in his line of sight she asks innocently. "What are you doing?"

"Going through... Some..." he trails off as he sees the bountiful cleavage almost touching his face and growls. "Low enough isn't it?" He glares at her, but the hazed lust not hidden. "Not really."

"Change out of it, you know everyone will be ON you!" Olivia rolls her eyes and leans, kissing his cheek and whispering seductively. "Then change me Kuzu."

She didn't give him a chance to reply for she walked off, swaying her hips, and not long after he was on her heels, pinning her against the corridors. He wasted no time on exploring her body with his hands and kissed her roughly, lightly nipping her lips.

He suddenly growled and glanced to the side to see Lexy standing there, grinning from ear to ear and biting her lip. Grunting in annoyance he grumbled out. "Don't you have a ball of yarn to play with?"

She blanched in response. "What's that supposed to mean? I don't... Oooooooh!" Kisame was looming over her from behind, dangling a glittery ball of yarn in front of her. He took a second to look at her selection of pj's before swinging the ball to the side to prevent her from swiping it.

He snickered and chuckled up a storm as he led Lexy away from the lovers, the girl wiggling her bottom before pouncing and scratching at the yarn, only to miss, and they disappeared behind his bedroom door.

"Strange friend you have." Olivia scoffed, defending her friend. "Not as strange as how Hidan reacted to the sex strike." Kakuzu growled. "I thought I told you not to bring that up again."

"Yeah but do I always listen Kuzu?" she shot back, silencing his next complaint by crashing her lips to his.

*Minutes Later*

"Mmm. Kuzu, not out here." Olivia murmured, tugging at the miser's hair as he bit down on her collar bone. He grunted, leaning back up to nip the shell of her ear. "Why not?"

She huffed, gasping he bit harder. "Please Kakuzu?" She pouted, gaining herself a sigh from the older man. "Fine."

She didn't expect to be carried by his threads.


Olivia cast a questioning look at the door they were about to pass, and Kakuzu paused in his steps, but with a different expression, and summoned a large quantity of his tendrils to slip beneath the door.

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