02 Friend Or Foe

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                  Y/N lazily blinked his eyes open his hand teaching to his injured side finding that his side had been replaced with clean bandages, He sat up grunting looking around, and locking eyes with a lanky boy tossing a knife resting against a wall " You really shouldn't let your guard down like that kid. That could get you killed in here " The boy spoke, he quickly looked around for his machete and supplies finding them still beside him "Calm down kiddo, I'm not going to steal your stuff. My name is Theo " the boy, now named theo greeted.

" Y/N, I think " he replied taking the hand that Theo had offered to help him stand "Well, cmon, gotta get out of here before the room crushes both of us," Theo said gesturing to him to pick up his stuff; He did so, grabbing his supplies swinging it over his shoulder on the side that wasn't injured. " You get stung by a griever or something kid? Your side was pretty bad when I found you, "Theo asked, creating the small talk in the dark hallways as a comfort to himself. " What the heck is a river " He asked his pitch changed to one of confusion.

" Yknow, metal legs, fleshy body, teeth, tail " Theo tried to paint a mental image that he cringed at " Yeah, cut it in the face " he mumbled theo looked over in shock taking a mental note of what he could do.  " Hey, how long have you been here? " He asked trying not to push boundaries, " we don't have a day and night in here but I would assume a few months " Theo replied sadly " watched a lot of good people die in here to grievers and other seekers " he continued.

"What a pathfinder? " Y/N asked confused "You're a pathfinder, I'm a pathfinder. we all seek to find the center of this maze right? We all woke up with the same message about finding the center. " Theo explained stopping the boy before they turned a corner. Theo removed his hand from Y/N continuing to walk through calmly " It's better to walk than run, it's less noisy to attack people because the halls echo " theo explained; " you should be glad I found you kid. to show yo the ropes of this place " Theo smiled which he had returned gratefully.

" Yeah, Thank you, Theo"

- - - - - - - - - - - - 

            "Ney Newt! " Minho called making Newt raise his head curious at what Minho wanted "Want to come running with me? Alby said he's just farming today so we have nothing else to do" Minho jogged over to the boy who was sitting around. " Yeah, I'll go. do I need anything specific? " newt asked as Minho shook his head handing him a type of small backpack that also had straps to go over his chest. He slipped it over his head giving a thumbs up jogging into the winding maze walls.

" Do you think we'll ever get out of here? Or that there are other people outside? " newt questioned when they had taken a break, both boys weren't used to running for so long so they had to take frequent breaks over the time they had run. " Maybe, I mean there has to be someone right? someone who's sending us up with supplies. someone who built the maze? " minho wondered " I wonder if there's any other like us out there. stuck and trapped" Newt mumbled eating a bar that had the words W C K D printed on the wrapping.

" If there are any others like us, I hope they find us and get us out of here, I've only been here for a month and I'm already over it " Minho complained making Newt chuckle as he stood up "We should get going if we want to make it back before the doors close," newt said helping minho to his feet and picking up their supplies ( don't liter yall) and heading slowly back to the large stone doors that they had entered through a few hours before trying to retrace their steps falling upon a few dead ends but roughly a half hour before the doors closed making it back to the glade where they could sleep for the night.

" We really should keep track of where we go. like a map or something.. " 

- - - - - - - - - - - - 

It was safe to say that he had thrown up today, he saw two boys fighting after he and theo found a safe place for the night to take turns watching for the night, but below them, two boys were in a knife fight, one had black veins up his neck sputtering out black gooey blood from his mouth and his eyes were so blown out and dark you couldn't tell if he had eyes, to begin with. The boy who wasn't bleeding black was sobbing hysterically crying that he didn't want to hurt his friend who was named 'Jaxon' but the said boy was attacking him like no tomorrow waving around a knife.

Theo had to explain to him afterward what had happened after he calmed down from being sick to his stomach a half hour later; "That's what happens when you get stung. fully stung " theo corrected himself chuckling "You got lucky you only got grazed by the thing and didn't get infected by that goopy stuff. makes people go crazy " Y/N shuttered at the idea of going crazy and hurting someone like theo who had helped him. " but that's not just it. people still attack others without being stung, for supplies and stuff " theo shrugged "There's this one corner that someone I met called 'Canibal corner ' " theo paused but continued anyways "Apparently it's a group of like four or five boys that kill other people in here to eat them. but it's real obvious when you get to their area so we can avoid it " theo smiled.

"I'll take first watch " He mumbled theo giving a thankful nod and laying down turning onto his side to rest for the night leaving Y/N with his thoughts, could he trust theo? sure theo had helped him and rebandaged him and so on; But the way that theo talked so normaly about cannibals and killing others even with the weird Griever problem upset him to a great extent. He wasn't sure who he could and couldn't trust in the end and what if only one person could escape? would theo betray him to leave,; would he betray theo if they stayed together? His mind wandered as he sat at watch listening to the sounds of the maze at night, a thought surfacing in his mind from the night before.

" Whos newt..? " 

-AN/ Chapter 2 lest goo, give any advice kindly and tell me your thoughts on theo! 

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