Chapter 5 Truest intentions

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While Selena and others are at the gate of the mountain resort Mrs. Monroe was pacing back and forth as she dialed Selena's phone number. She was so mad that she couldn't help but throw the phone at her son.

"what are we going to do?"

she asked her son. She continued

"I've spent a lot of effort just to let you marry Selena. I've spent too many years planning to meet Selena's parents " by chance" and befriend them."

Luke was just silent as she knew his mom's plan as early as selenas parents died. They had been planning for several years, but all of it failed.

"Mom, ill call and make sure that Selena will understand me, and I was seduced by that bitch "

Mrs Monroe answered,

 "Yes, you better do it. All that wealth that her mother hides. If that bitch just gave me a hint when she was alive, we would not be in this situation."

Mrs Monroe sighed as he remembered the time when she saw selenas mom cleaning the attic. She considered visiting as she started to be friends with Selena's mother.

 She heard from the butler that selenas mom was downstair, so she moved downstairs without calling anyone, and she saw that the door was open and selenas mother was counting things. There were a lot of gold boxes and silver boxes in layers, and in her hand, she saw batches of watches, necklaces, and earrings. These crowns are made of diamonds, sapphire, ruby, and expensive pearls; you know they were not ordinary. 

She took a picture of it and was curious.

She hears a murmur from Selena's mom: 

"This will be Selena's dowry. I need to hide this in a safer place." 

After talking, she sees Selena's mom look her way, and she runs fast so as not to be seen.

But after she leaves, she feels a burning jealousy in her heart. Why was she not born as rich and beautiful as Charlotte and Charlotte's husband, Henry Arnoult, one of the most eligible bachelors of their generation? Even his husband, John Martinez, can't compare to Henry's Finger. She is jealous and mad and is determined to take all that Charlotte has and will start as Selena's engagement.

She befriended her and did many things that even she overthought, but she was burning with anger, which became her obsession. At first, Selena's mom doesn't want to engage Selena earlier, but she tells Charlotte jokingly that he will teach Luke to be a gentleman worthy of Selena. 

Isn't it better to let someone you know marry your daughter, but she is unaware that Charlotte has a plan for Selena as she sees the red thread tied to Selena's pinky Finger and her nursery classmate William had the same red thread of fate tied together Hence, she let them be together every time and move to the community where Williams's family lives.

But Mrs Monroe didn't know. 

She only thought that Charlotte had decided to change from an affluent community to their middle community because she was so confident at that time that she let her son study so hard that Charlotte would see that Lukes would be an ideal son-in-law candidate. She always saw William and Selena playing, and she didn't mind because she believed William was just a brat, the son of a 2nd rich generation family, which is not comparable to her son Luke, who is an elegant and well-mannered boy, not like a brat.

It lasted 11 years of convincing Charlotte but to no avail until they died.

 She was so happy that Charlotte and her husband died after 11 years of scheming that who will not get tired on the burrial day she convinces luke to go and mourn and be with selena on best let her fall inlove with him at first he doesnt want to but she let lukes knows about the pictures she take during that attic time and let him know about her research of that pearl which is Baroda Pearl Necklace which is around $7.1 million usd with just one necklace how much more the inside of other boxes she saw that luke was tempted and they started the plan but that plan fail just becouse of one bitch the first time she saw that girl she knows what kind of virtue that girl have they have the same type of stench that even she cant get rid of the stench of slum a stench that even you wear high profile clothes and jewlry people will still look down at your back in anytime and places so she always remind luke to be careful its ok to play but he should know the proirity but its too late all of her sacrifices lost as she feels heartbreaken she didnt realise that things outside the villa is starting to change even the cockrouches in the kitchen began to get bigger at time clock slowly rise. 

When Mrs. Monroe and Luke talk Moreen, on the other hand, was agitated. 

She always feels that something more frightening will happen that she's unaware of, as her heart is troubled by the things happening around her. She tries to call and contact many men who have been with her. Still, she can't connect to any of them. She starts to panic. She had been hiding in her old apartment for a long time. 

Her promotion struck when she saw heavy snow falling from the window. There was a voice telling her she needed to take something from Selena. 

Still, she didn't know what it was from day one and day two. She has been seeing and dreaming about things that were bound to happen but different in real life. As the night passed, she collapsed on the floor and was so red you could see steam coming out of her body.

Then, out of the blue, the ring given by Luke when they started dating shines, and the light envelops her whole body, and a transmigrated girl will have its cheat. As the blue light slowly fades, Moreen's eyes move and start to open. She can't believe it.

 She has found that she developed a power of water that can take life from any organism, plant, and animal. 

As long as it's not an intelligent being, she can take its vitality and make it her own. You ask how she knows. 

A voice in her mind tells and guides her in doing things. When she first transmigrated here, she heard voices, and those voices helped her with a lot of things. 

Now that voice is telling her to get selenas jade necklace if she takes it; that voice says that she can get anything she wants, so she needs to plan how to appear in front of Selena, but first, she needs to upgrade herself as she feels the surrounding vitality around her she sucks all living thing inside her house ants, worms, bird and plant around the apartment started to die slowly without anyone noticing it.

 Moreen's reflection started to get better on her face, and her skin began to glow in a different light. 

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