Chapter 4 Conflict at Mountain springs resort Gate

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Selena found hearing what Luke's mom said a few minutes ago hilarious. While packing everything in the villa, Luke's mom called her as she was a bit confused about what they wanted from her


"Hello? Is this Selena?, my dear? When are you going to visit mom? I miss you so much." 

Selena heard Luke's mom, Mrs. Martinez, talking to her with a sticky voice.

 "Mrs. Martinez, you know what happened to Luke in Moreen. I'm not your future daughter-in-law anymore, please don't call me next time. " 

On the other side, Mrs. Monroe Martinez pinches Luke's waist and stares at him with a death stare. She is very mad the daughter-in-law she chose gets away from the plan she had betted since long ago. 

She calls in a waxy voice so Selena would be guilty, 

" Selena dear, you know Auntie loved you since your parents died. Auntie has always been on your side. I will care for and support you until you grow so big. Don't shame untie, OK? Let's continue your engagement. "

 After saying this, Mrs Monroe's voice is so proud. She knows Selena has a soft side for her parents. Whenever she has anything she wants from Selena, she sells it to Selena's parents and always gets what she wants. Still, this time, she hears Selena laughing so hard on the other side that Selena choked from laughing, and she hears a man's voice on the other side.

" Don't laugh too much." 

While patting Selena's back, she comes to her senses and asks angrily, 

"Selena, who is that? Is it your lover? " 

She shouted so much that if someone saw it, they would think Selena had 30 million depts from her. Selena's answer:

 "Why can't I have a lover outside? You should know Luke and Moreen from long ago. Why can't I have mine? "

Mrs. Monroe was speechless after Selena's rebuke. She was mad at first but still realized that it was her son's fault this happened. 

"Selena, dear, don't be mad. I know you still love Luke and are only doing it to make Luke jealous. I know you, OK? Stop this nonsense and come back, OK?"

Selena smiles and says,

 "You can think of it alone."

after she hangs up the phone and is done packing, they start their journey to the mountain resort. They have 50 men who are all muscular with guns and 15 athletic girls, all mercenaries who are baptized by war in Africa as the road headSelena discovered that a lot of plants died along the way. Many animals and plants died as the weather grew from hotter to colder.

 Some plants also grew more prominent, indicating every species' evolution.

They stopped in every supermarket they found to buy a significant amount of food to carry. They could only sometimes bring food out from the space, as people grew suspicious if they took it out every time without any source. They would only buy some but ensure there was still enough for others to take when the apocalypse came.

As they come nearer to their destination, the atmosphere of the place grows gloomier as time passes, and the trees feel like they are looking at every passenger in the car. They had been in the car for almost two days, and nearly 35 personnel had a fever. It is a good thing that Selena has spring water and medicine to cure all diseases, as she is giving spring water to every person in the caravan. Every water is with an enslaved person GU, which means the people who drink it will be enslaved and will obey the first person they see when they are given the GU and cannot betray the giver. Even William agreed with this because a person's heart is the most important thing you can't trust; good things can easily sway them.

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