X] The missing memory

Start from the beginning

"Crux...- Please, until the ball just take care of Hael, okay?" she sighed. "I'm busy, some students are asking me for help and Spica just gave me another load of work... I'm going-"

Crux shook his head and gently hold Lilith by her shoulder. 

"You look thin, it seems like you lose your weight from this working." he frowns. "Just a little break, okay? I don't see you at cafeteria for the past 2 weeks, did you eat anything?"

"I'm fine... Really." she smiles tiredly. "Yes, I ate at the committee room. Spica prepared some snacks." lied Lilith as she push Crux hand from her shoulder. "See you later, Crux."

Crux watched her walks away, he sighed in disappointment. He know the students will take advantage over Lilith selflessness, he tried to warn her but she didn't listen.

Finally the night has come and the students went to their dorm to sleep. Lilith finally finished her work so she sent the paperwork to the committee room. As expected Spica is still awake. 

"I finished everything...  ..." she yawned. 

"Good work, Summoner." praised Spica. "Also, I know the ball is coming soon but listen to my words. Do not take a step out from this academy, I already prepared a dress specially for you."

"Thanks...-" Lilith smiles. "What kind of dress?" she asked. 

"Oh right, it's in your dorm. You can check it tomorrow." Said Spica. "Now go to bed, you still have to do works tomorrow." 

Lilith nodded then left the committee room. Curiosity killed the cat, she decided to check the dress right now. As Lilith get back to her dorm, she went to the closet and there is the dress. She has no idea who put it there, maybe she was too busy to notice it. 

The dress is white and yellow. Something the great sorcerer Polaris would wear... ...

"... ...?" Lilith come back to her sense. "Polaris...? Who...— ugh!" she suddenly got hit by a headache. 

Lilith sighed, she doesn't like the dress one bit. She can tell it doesn't suit her... ... With a heavy sigh, she put back the dress then went to her bed. Lilith miss the warmth of her cat, because she is too busy, she had to put Hael under someone's care.

The headache is getting worse, she just hope it'll get better by tomorrow...  ...

Lilith opened her eyes once again. She found herself being surrounded by pink roses, she remembers it being her favorite. 

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