1 - catnip tease

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"Guys, this is Lexy." Olivia gestured to the brunette standing next to her outside the door, staring owlishly at them, especially Kisame and Kakuzu, but mostly the former.

"She will be staying for a few days."

Hidan noticed the new girl suddenly dart her attention to his lover, following her line of vision to Olivia's breasts. 'That little fucker! No matter how hot those jugs are!" he inwardly fumed.

"And also, she's too young for you guys."

"WHAT?" they all said simultaneously, eyes bulging in disbelief.

"How could she be too young? She looks to be about nineteen or twenty at the least." said Itachi, his eyes staring pointedly at the large bust the girl sported, which was covered up by a plain black tee shirt.

Kisame watched his lover's eyes roam all over Lexy's body and snickered, elbowing him lightly. "How old is she then?" he asked for Itachi.

"I'm almost sixteen giant smurf. How easy is it to mark em with those chompers of yours?" A hand suddenly slapped over her mouth, and she looked to the owner of said hand to see her friend giving her a displeased expression.

"I need to warn you that if you provoke them you won't be known as the 'Naughty Virgin' anymore." she whispered in Lexy's ear.

The older woman gave a nervous laugh and saw Kisame's face. He looked more than willing to prove how much his teeth could really do. "Kisame." she spoke with a warning tone.

"Sorry she tends to be a bit perverted with an odd sense of humor, much like Kisame." Said man suddenly snapped his teeth three times in response and grinned.

"Sorry Lexy, but you're gonna have to share my bed since I'm the least likely to rape you in your sleep."

The teen shrugged. "I'm more than ok with that." and she suddenly hugged Olivia, wrapping her arms around her neck and cheek against hers. To anyone who wasn't observing closely they would've said they were best friends, but if you looked lower to see how their chests pressed together it was obviously intimate.

Kakuzu was the first to notice this and let out a growl when Olivia hesitantly wrapped her own arms around Lexy's waist with a massive blush. Hidan growled too, but it sounded more like a purr at the thought of those bosoms against his hard planed chest.

Kakuzu elbowed him hard in the ribs.

"Ok Lexy, come on so I can give you a tour of the place." The younger girl let go and nodded, her eyes no longer having a bored droop to them, now a bit wide to show a cat like shape to them.

"What's with her eyes Danna, un?" Deidara whispered to the red head standing next to him, backing away with the others to form a clear path for the duo and they walked down the hallways, Olivia pointing to certain doors and telling the teen about what room belonged to who and its purpose, and the girl nodded, showing that she was paying attention.


"And this is the room me and Tobi share." the petite woman said, opening the door and stepping inside, dragging Lexy in with her. "Hmm, could use a bit more black. But I like it, pretty spacious."

Olivia watched as her friend ran over and plopped face first into the bed after kicking off her white Reeboks. "Mineeee~ nya." Lexy digs her face into the pillow and curls up her body like a kitten, suddenly taking up only a small portion of the bed while spooning the pillow.

"Uhhh... Ok then. I'll wake you up when dinner is ready-" "Nya! No! I want you to stay here with me! I haven't seen you in over a year so you're staying!" the brunette snaps out, jumping out of the bed and clinging to her leg, the coarse material of her camouflage cargo pants making it itch.

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