Chapter 7

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Silverpaw dropped into a hunters crouch stalking the mouse. Its brown body didn't move, it hadn't sighted her. Catching it she looked up, Badgerpaw was looking at her. "I'd like to introduce my best friend," he said to the two apprentices behind him. "Silverpaw, Fallenpaw and Missingpaw. Fallenpaw and Missingpaw, Silverpaw." Missingpaw was dark grey with a missing left back paw and Fallenpaw was missing her entire right back leg. Badgerpaw said to Silverpaw," These are my half-sisters. Same mother different fathers." Silverpaw smiled at Fallenpaw and her sister. "Nice to meet you," she said. Fallenpaw hobbled over to Silverpaw. "Don't get cocky with my half-brother," she said. "What do you mean?" Silverpaw asked. "I mean don't distract him from his duties." Silverpaw was sure Fallenpaw was very over protective of her half brother. Picking up her mouse, Silverpaw left the border leaving her romantic interest and his half sisters alone. "Silverpaw where were you? You missed Sageheart's ceremony!" Wingpaw yowled. "Sageheart?" Silverpaw asked kinking her ears. "My brother!" Silverpaw pricked her ears. "Oh yeah!" Silverpaw flushed, she was embarrassed. "Sorry I got held up." Wingpaw looked unconvinced but followed Silverpaw back to camp. Sageheart came up to Silverpaw and bumped into her. "Sorry," he said calmly. Silverpaw felt unnerved by his calmness. It was almost too calm. Silverpaw went over to the fresh kill pile and dropped her mouse on the pile. Then went to her den to await moonrise. A few hours later she awoke, she'd must dozed off, walking silently she left the camp. Badgerpaw was waiting for her, his green eyes bright. "You're late," he said, tail flicking. "Sorry I dozed off," Silverpaw said. "You dozed off and forgot about me?" Badgerpaw's tone was sad. "I nearly got caught you know." Silverpaw's ears pricked. "Wait why." Badgerpaw looked away. "Foreststar saw me sneaking out I said I was going hunting but i don't think he believed me." Badgerpaw did notice his tail was entwined with hers. They nuzzled together.

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