(II) 11 - Rhinestone Eyes

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A/N: You know, I wonder, do you guys ever get confused on the perspective changes? I assume some (if not all) of you guys do, but I want to hear it directly from you guys

After all, my writing style is probably kind of weird. But here's a rundown of it: I write in a sort of limited 3rd person view. It's like if the story is on 1st PoV but with 3rd person pronouns to avoid confusion at just who has the perspective. I write what they think they see, feel, hear, etc. and of course, their thoughts. So if it's being described, then that means the person with the PoV saw it, heard it, or whatever

It seems obvious, at least to me, but who knows? I guess you guys do cause you know, bias tends to seep in when people tries to judge themselves and their works


Colossus Lapsation
Chapter 11 - Rhinestone Eyes

“Hey squad lead.” A girl with short brown hair with pinkish tips said as she approached Emery just as both her and Kiara finished up

“Yeah? Anything wrong, Ragna?”

“I just have something to say to you.” The girl –Ragna said

‘Huh, curious.’ Kiara thought to herself as she watched the scene unfold

“Sure.” Emery nodded before looking at Kiara “Stay here for a bit, okay Akari?”

“Yes.” Kiara said as she nodded towards Emery ‘Okay, I need to train myself to react when someone calls out “Akari” like what I did with “Kiara”... That's my cover name now, better get used to it.’

Oh well, now the short waiting game

This should be easy


“Hey squad lead… The girl… Something's not right about her.” Ragna announced immediately after the both of them are out of earshot

“I know I know.” Emery said “She has a gun, she's a bit too emotionally detached than a normal kid should be, and she zones out and stares into nothingness for a few seconds every now and then…”

“... Okay, that was a lot more than what we saw…” Ragna said as she sheepishly smiled… Of course an older and more experienced woman would've noticed far more than any of them… “But really? She zones out a lot?”

“Somewhat. It's short and fast but quite frequent…”

“Weren't you two talking for only like a few minutes?”

“Yes.” Emery nodded “And it's… Worrying… She's just a child and she already acts more like a veteran soldier with PTSD than a normal kid… It just breaks my heart…”

“... Uh…” Ragna said, not really knowing what to do now… Couldn't it just be ADHD? Or just… Kid things?

She pulled her squad leader away so that she can report their findings to her, but it seems they shouldn't have underestimated their squad leader’s observation skills

So now she really has nothing more to say, well, other than: “What could've caused that to her?”

“Honkai beasts… Zombies… The latter especially… The girl probably saw her parents becoming zombies… The people she loved… And then they attack her… That would break anyone’s heart, not just kids.” Emery said before shaking her head solemnly and sighing

“That's… I never thought of that… That's just… Wow… That's horrifying…”

“It's kids like her that was the driving force of St. Freya's creation.” Emery said “Kids do not deserve to experience the horrors of Honkai… So those that do… They act differently afterwards… St. Freya is a way to try and help those kids even if it's still in its early stages as of now…”

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