(I) 3 - Writings On The Wall

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Colossus Lapsation
Chapter 3 - Writings On The Wall

Kiara opened her eyes before she remembered something

And that something just so happened to be her crying until she fell asleep…

… …

'Please kill me already.' Kiara thought to herself before she buried her face into the pillow

Wait… Pillow?

Kiara immediately stood up and looked around her surroundings… A plain white room with a plastic cabinet and a wooden desk and she's on the bed

… Where the fuck is she?

Actually, she's in Albert's house, isn't she? There's really no other possible place she could be…

What an embarrassment she is… Not only had she cried, but she also let Albert carry her to his home (a very likely thing that happened if we consider the previous assumption as the truth)

Kiara then started considering her options, trying to ignore her self-deprecating thoughts… She knows it wouldn't do good to her mental health if she continues on that thought…

'Hm…' Kiara mentally hummed, thinking if she should go out of the room and possibly stumble upon something that she shouldn't have (unlikely, but not impossible) or should she just stay here in the room and waste time…

She can't really decide on either option, and she hoped that Albert would come into the room by chance so that she wouldn't have to choose

But alas, fate wouldn't let her that kind of comfort right now, so she would have to choose eventually…

'... I guess I'll just stay here.' Kiara thought to herself, thinking that it might save her from even more embarrassment and save Albert some worrying if he finds her nowhere in the bed he put her

Well… It's not like she's planning to leave anyways… As much as she wants to, she has nowhere else to go and a literal golden opportunity just showed up right in front of her face, there's no way she won't use this to her advantage

Yeah that's right, she's gonna use Albert as a tool for her… This isn't the first time she did this with someone… After all, she did this to a lot of her classmates before as well

She really just hopes she doesn't make a major blunder along the way…

And that reminds her of chess and by extension, chess.com… Damn that site, damn it, she got her account disabled, twice even when she did nothing wrong… The first account was disabled mid-game due to "cheating"… She doesn't if she should take that as an insult or as a compliment but she didn't tried to appeal it as it may be more trouble than it's worth, she can just create another account after all

But her 2nd account was disabled even when she hadn't even touched the app for days! DAYS!!! And she can't even make another account because both of her two main emails have been used and she can't even try to create another account using the link given in the email announcing your account getting disabled because she can't get the right password because she used Google to sign up!

She was already at 16 hundred! Getting to that is not goddamn EASY!!

Kiara huffed in annoyance, no point in dwelling in that any further… It's not like she'll be able to access it anyways…

Ah that's right… She's in a different body and world right now, she very much doubts her old world has those kinds of white… Things like she saw on the inci… Fuck she still the word for that which just annoys her even further

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