(I) 2 - Wasting Away

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Colossus Lapsation
Chapter 2 - Wasting Away

"Do you know where we are right now?" The man asked and Kiara shook her head in response "We're in Ramatuelle, France."

'Ramatuelle doesn't ring a bell, but France does. Wonder where Ramatuelle is in France.' Kiara thought to herself before she said "Mister, where's Ramatuelle?"

"Ah right, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Albert, you can just call me Albert." The man –Albert said "And Ramatuelle is at the bottom of France."

"... … Southern France?"

"Oui, Southern France."

"Thank you mister."

"... No problem." Albert replied as his smile slightly dropping at how Kiara ignored his request on being called 'Albert', but he guessed it's just kids being kids

Although, this particular kid seems pretty… Mature, how old is she even?

"Can I ask, how old are you?" Albert asked

"I…" Kiara momentarily paused, not knowing how to answer that, so she decided to tell the truth "Don't know."

She doesn't know her physical age, and she can't really just say '16, almost 17' could she?

Albert blinked, what happened to this poor kid? He then said "I'd say you look around… 6 or 7 years old… Do you know your birthday?"

"I…" Kiara hesitated whether if she should tell her actual birthday, Kiana's, or simply say she doesn't know as well

But she chose an entirely different option "Today."

"Today?" Albert asked surprised and Kiara nodded "So… December 6… 1993?"

'Wait wait wait wait wait… 1993? What year is it even!? If that man assumes my age is 6 or 7… Then it's either 1999 or 2000… Couldn't be former because the 2nd Eruption happened in 2000 and Otto didn't have Kiana prior to that… So it's 2000 right now?' Kiara thought to herself 'Wait… Since when did Otto start the K-series even? Was it even mentioned?'

No, it probably wasn't, but her lack of knowledge might say otherwise though

"Mister, what are we going to do?" Kiara asked

"Hm? Give you something to eat of course, and while I'm at it, I'm going to tell the police about your situation so they can help you."

'Ah… No please.' Kiara thought to herself, she wanted to say no to Albert but… But that might just cause unwanted suspicions

Something she'd rather avoid

Her future is hanging in the balance here… And she can literally do nothing about it but watch as it unfolds or else she might jeopardize herself more

As they walked out of the forest and into a road before they started walking on it

A few more peaceful and silent minutes passes by and they arrived to the main city after passing through a few houses

And as they walked, Kiara noticed that Albert was keeping a close eye on her, as if he was afraid she might run away. She didn't blame him; after all, she was a complete stranger to him.

A few minutes passes by, with numerous people and cars passing by them before they eventually arrived what seems to be Albert's target

"Hello and welcome to Le Bikini." Albert announced before he walked into the opening to what seems to be a parking lot

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