"Wait.. I remember that voice, he was one of those reapers.. grell..? no, she was the obnoxious one.. it was something like.. winston or.... well, it started with a W." I wondered to myself. "Pardon me, I'm delivering a package. And no, this is not a human." He responded to the man. The man wore leather loafers, freshly polished as I could see a reflection in them. "And so what is it? If you're smuggling rule-breaking packaging I'll have to work unpaid overtime, and I do not like unpaid overtime." The man asked, rather harshly complaining about overtime. Ash chuckled, "Oh, no. This was authorized by the deities, trust me." Ash responded, presumably smiling. "Hm. Alright. I trust you, but only this once. I find you delivering another one of these and I'll be less nice." The man walked away.

We continued forward. "What was that abou-" I asked, but I was cut off by Ash shushing me. "Remember. Do not speak unless you are authorised to." He said in a low voice. "Wow, this is boring, I actually miss Alois if this is our only other option for enemies." I joked in my head, trying to forget the situation. We stopped at a door and Ash let go of my hand to grab a key. He unlocked the door and it lead outside. He guided me out as he locked the door behind us. "You should be safe to look up again." He said, turning over to me as I finally lifted my head. "We're almost home." He grabbed my hand and started leading me forward again. In front of us was a giant field with trees surrounding it. The field was empty and well trimmed with the acception of a water fountain in the middle.

It was a very silent walk as we passed through the field with nothing to say. Well, I had everything to say but I knew I wasn't going to get anything out of him. We walked right into the woods, following a trail. "How far is this 'home'?" I asked, finally breaking the long silence. "Not too far. Now, I have a question." He started, I nodded to let him continue. "That Ciel.. is it the same one from your childhood?" He asked, I furrowed my brows at the rather specific question. "...yes?" I answered cautiously. "Hm." He hummed, "I see." He had something on his mind. Through his blank expression, I just somehow knew. Maybe the whole 'i know your feelings' thing is mutual.

"Why did you kill Alois?" I asked, the question sort of coming out of nowhere if I'm being honest. "Alois?" He asked, "The little blonde boy?" He added. I nodded, "Oh. He had intent to commit a murder-suicide with you and himself so the boy had to die." He said casually. This confused me even more, "What? How do you know?" I pushed. "You are my extension, I know everything." He winked, rather eerily. "..If you know everything, then why didn't you know about Ciel and I..?" I asked. "My intuition can be blocked from unholy beings." He gritted his teeth. "I see.. Ciel's contract with Sebastian must've clogged something up.. I guess..." I hummed in understanding. 

"Is being a blessing why demons hate me?" I asked, genuinely curious. "No." he started, "They know you don't have a soul and therefore are appalled." He said it fluently, like he had answered that question many times. "Your soul is instead replaced with holy light, which also would cause a scent of sour to them." He added. "Sometimes, though, a demon can get confused by the smell and mistake it for a savoury soul and will go after it." He smiled, "So... what would happen if they did eat my 'soul'?" I asked. "They would be purified! Burned from the inside out and killed permanently!" He joyfully answered, taking in a breath. "That is why you are the perfect weapon." He gripped my hand a little tighter.

"...Weapon...?" My heart skipped a beat. "Indeed, you, my other half, and I, shall purify this earth of the unclean filth." He smiled excitedly, I wasn't that happy. Sure, demons aren't good but I somehow found myself attached to one. He's evil but he's sweet. I frowned, "What's the long face Y/N?" Ash asked softly, we stopped and he bent down to my height. "It'll be wonderful, a new age with a fresh start for humanity. Isn't that beautiful?" He brushed my cheek and I nodded, "Yeah, I guess.." I felt like I needed to agree with him, I had no clue why. "I know it's a big plan to jump onto right away, but I waited well over 14 years for this." He stood back up and started walking forward, I followed.

After a short walk we reached a mansion, it looked empty, but not unkept. "We're home." He smiled, walking up to the door and unlocking it. It was a very white and clean place, the only sub colours being gold and gray. Walking in before him, I looked around. The main area had a singular staircase leading upward in the center was accompanied by two doors to the left and right on the back wall. An open doorway on the left seemed to open up to a library. It was majestic, pretty but a little uncomfortable. "Home, for now. Once the plan starts we will no longer have need for this place." He stood beside me, his tall stance towering me. I clenched my jaw a little, the truth starting to set in.

Nobody was coming to save me. Ciel was dead. Alois was dead. The only two people who would care, are dead. That's fine, right? I can stick up for myself. I always have. But, something is wrong and I can't hurt Ash. Maybe it's the 'other half' thing but I am appalled by the thought of escaping. And if I don't escape, I'm going to end up hurting a lot of people. And I'm scared, I'm scared to continue. "Your worry is meaningless Y/N." Ash started, "You'll be safe, trust me." He smiled at me.

"I made a little room for you under the presumption you still sleep." He started walking upstairs, I followed. "Presumption?" I asked, "Mhm." He hummed, "The need will leave with age. Unless it already has?" He indirectly asked. "...I still need to sleep.." I answered. "Well then! You must be fatigued. This room here." He opened the door in front of us, to the left of the stairs. It was the first door in a small hallway of 2 other doors. I walked into the room, Ash did not follow. "I will be gone most of the time. I have matters to attend to in the human realm. Get comfortable, Y/N. Rest well." He smiled and closed the door softly. I looked at the room in front of me, a bed, a window and a dresser.

The bed didn't look awful, it wasn't made right though. What am I supposed to expect? An angel who has no need for sleep would not know how to make a bed. I walked over to the dresser and opened it, it was full of clothing varying in size. I remembered that he was prepared to pick me up a lot earlier in my life so seeing young child-sized clothes in a mix with adult-sized clothes made sense. I closed the drawer and looked out the window, it was just a never-ending forest outside. I'm sure it had an end, but it just faded out into the clouds at the end. I closed the curtains and sat down on the bed, remembering I forgot my shoes at the manor before laying down. As I stared at the ceiling, I sighed loudly, trying to rid the lump in my throat.

I couldn't help but curl up into a ball on my side, hugging my legs as silent tears rolled down my cheeks and soaked into the pillow. What an awful day.


woajjj 2 chapters in faster than 5 months what is this witchcraft

Finally! (BOOK 1) - Alois x Reader x Cielحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن