Chapter No.1 Thanatos

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These questions revolving in Jasvant's mind were like a never-ending storm, swirling and crashing against the walls of his consciousness. At 17 years old, orphaned, and alone, Jasvant had faced more hardships than most could imagine. His parents had perished in a car accident when he was just a child, leaving him to navigate the tumultuous seas of life without a compass.

As if fate hadn't been cruel enough, the universe had one more blow to deliver. A persistent cough and unexplained fatigue led Jasvant to the stark, sterile walls of a hospital. The diagnosis, like a sledgehammer to his fragile world, echoed through the cold corridors: lung cancer. Stage IV, they said, as if the Roman numeral held the weight of his impending doom.

Jasvant, now confined to a hospital bed, felt the icy fingers of despair clutching at his heart. The world outside the hospital window seemed distant and unattainable, a cruel reminder of the life he once knew. He pondered the injustice of it all, grappling with the unfairness that had marked his existence.

Days melted into nights as the sterile hospital room became his new reality. Friends, what few he had visited with sympathetic eyes, unsure of how to comfort a boy who seemed to carry the weight of the world on his frail shoulders. As the pain in his chest intensified and the air grew thinner, Jasvant resigned himself to the inevitable.

One fateful night, as the hospital hummed with the distant sounds of monitors and shuffling nurses, Jasvant closed his eyes for what he believed would be the last time. The steady beeping of the heart monitor began to slow, a somber lullaby signaling the approach of an eternal slumber.

And then, with a gentle whisper, the darkness embraced him.


Yet, instead of the expected nothingness, Jasvant found himself engulfed in a surreal landscape. The cold was replaced by warmth, and the oppressive weight on his chest lifted. Opening his eyes, he realized he was no longer in the sterile hospital room, but in a place bathed in ethereal light.

"What do you see?" A voice resounded from all over the place like creaking chains ready to struggle the life out of him.

Jasvant blinked, trying to adjust to the brilliance surrounding him. Standing before him, A figure draped in a shadowy cloak but bare bones could be seen reaching out. It was an imposing presence, radiating both power and ancient wisdom.

"Who are you?" Jasvant stammered, his voice echoing in the luminous expanse.

"I am Thanatos, God of Death," the figure intoned, its voice resonating with an otherworldly authority. "Your time among the living has come to an end, Mortal."

Jasvant's heart skipped a beat. Was this the end? Was this what awaited him after death? A meeting with the god of the underworld?

"Why?" Jasvant questioned, the word escaping his lips as a mere whisper.

Thanatos' hollow eyes seemed to bore into Jasvant's soul. "The threads of mortal life are woven by the Fates, and yours has reached its inevitable conclusion. But..." The god's skeletal hand extended towards Jasvant, a gesture that both comforted and unnerved him. "There is an offer."

Jasvant's eyes widened. An offer? What could a mere mortal have to offer to a god?

"You have shown resilience in the face of adversity," Thanatos continued. "Your spirit refuses to yield even in the darkest of times. I sense a fire within you, a flame that could burn bright even in the realm of gods."

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