Wedding Day Part 1 (Mature/Fluff)

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As their wedding day quickly approached, Kate, Jane and Grace worked tirelessly to put it all together. The dress had been chosen, flowers picked out, caterer chosen. addressed and mailed, all with the help of a friend of Kate's that was a wedding planner. Loki and Kate had chosen to get married on the beach at sunset.

A few days before the wedding Loki and Kate were laying in the hammock in her backyard. Loki was unusually quiet. "My love, what's wrong"? Kate asked. "You know you can talk to me about anything". "Nothing" he replied. "Come on Loki, I can sense otherwise", she said knowing something was on his mind. "I've been thinking about my mother a lot as our day approaches, the truth is darling, I wish she could share this special day with us", he sadly replied. "But Odin made sure that, that is impossible", he said, angry at the thought. "Damn him, he has never cared about me, it's always been Thor". Kate hurt for Loki, she couldn't imagine growing up feeling unloved and unwanted, at least unwanted for the right reasons. Her grandparents made sure that Kate always knew she was loved and wanted.

"Loki, let Thor contact Heimdall, please", she pleaded. "No darling, it would be to painful for her to know and to not be able to be here", he quickly replied. Kate had to do something to get his mind off of his sadness. "Come on handsome", she said getting out of the hammock  and reaching for his hand. "Where are you going", he asked. "We are going to have a backyard picnic", she said smiling. Loki just laid there staring up at her with a sly grin on his face. "Does that mean we can play too", he asked. "Yes, she said laughing. "We can do whatever we want to do", reaching down to kiss him.

They went inside and prepared the meal. Succulent roasted chicken and root vegetables, fresh baked bread and a bottle of wine. Kate grabbed her favorite blanket that her grandmother had given her and they headed outside, picking the perfect spot. Loki lit the outdoor candles and they began to eat. "Kate, thank you" he said, looking at her with complete love in his eyes. "For what", she quipped? "For this, for loving me, for being who you are, for saying yes to my proposal, you have the best heart", he said, taking her hand, kissing her palm and laying it on the side of his face. Closing his eyes, he nuzzled his face into it. "You're welcome, my love", she said, reaching up to kiss Loki.

"Kate, life on Midgard was a sentence equal to a lifetime in an Asgardian dungeon for me, until I met you", he started. "And I feel great shame for all the terrible things I've done to be sent here", he continued.  "However, little did I realize that, my path of destruction, would lead me to you and for that part I am grateful to the Gods", he said, with tears in his eyes. Kate could see the mixture of love and shame on his face. "My love, we all do things we regret, I hate that you've done the things you've done, but we are twin flames, sooner or later we would've found our way back to each other, I will always believe this", she said putting her glass down and crawling into his lap. Looking into his blue eyes, "Loki Odinson, I love you no matter what comes...forever", she said, nuzzling her face into the crook of his neck. "I love you more than life itself my darling" , he told her in return.

He kissed her. Laying her down on the blanket, kissing her deeper, he moaned into her mouth, sending sensations rolling up Kates's spine and she gripped at the his shoulders for some kind of support, wrapping her legs around him. This got an amused chuckle. And something else, his hand began to wonder again, down to the buttons on her shirt. "May I", he purred, as he moved down to her shirt and began to start undoing the buttons one at a time, then he removed her bra, slowly, dipping his head down and taking a taut nipple in his mouth. Kate, panting out a pleading little. "Yes", she gulped, trying to calm her breathing enough to add, "Please".

Still smirking, he kissed her again, but softer this time toying with her again, Kate felt him grin against her lips as his hand started heading down , he discovered the wetness between her legs, and she blushed. He has such an effect on her and he knows this and he likes this. "Sorry to keep you waiting", He purred, "here I was trying to seduce you and yet apparently".... A languid stroke with the pad of his finger. A shutter rippling through Kates core. "There is no need". This got a glare with a flick over the back of his head from Kate's hand. He laughed, and Kate tried to smirk at him. "That's what you think", she shot back, moving one leg to rub along the inside of his thigh brushing the solid length of his arousal. He tensed up, momentarily losing focus. Kate's, smug grin melted when Loki managed to collect himself and resumed what he was doing dipping his head to swallow her little moans of pleasure. She moved one hand up to grip his hair again, pushing his closer, and when her fingers tightened on the thick strands, he suddenly plunged his finger in deeper, getting a desperate sob that made him twitch. His hand took up a leisurely pace, plunging in and out, slow and hard, Kate's very existence narrowing to the feel of him. Her hips moved with him, driving him deeper; she's so close, she could feel that familiar tightening build...

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