Page IV Chapter V: Not A Dream

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Upon reaching the school, at the end of the day, Stickler and Nomura ready up the equipment that arrived. We three take the equipment and start setting it up in the basement. It was only after setting up the equipment, when I realise that we don't have the whole set up. I express my concerns about the rest of the set up, but Strickler reassures me that the rest will arrive. Which at that moment in time, I remember, Barbra hasn't been informed about these past two days I have been away. She's probably been worrying about me.

"Strickler." I ask.

He stands up, from attaching something under the table, in a calm manner, "What is it James? What's bothering you?"

"I haven't told Barbra about my job in the school. Would it be fine if you gave me her number, so I could tell her that I am fine and doing well?" I ask shyly, uncertain if such a request wouldn't be too much of a bother.

"Sure, anything for a friend. Tell her hi for me." He says, giving me Barbra's phone number.

I stand for a second, inputting the number into the phone Strickler bought and set up for me. Pondering on how I am going to start the conversation, I stand frozen, unsure on where to start. Do I start with having found a job in the school or do I start with the fact that I now live under the school? Or how I have two jobs that involve security and cleaning? Two jobs. Maybe I should tell her that I am with two changeling and are plotting with and against her son in attempts to bring some peaceful resolution in the world?
Scratch that, I'll just just begin with-

"Hi Barbra, this is James," the phone finishes ringing.

"James? How did you get my number? And where are you?"

"Stricklander gave me the number; I am calling to tell you that I have a place to stay and a job at the school."

"Really? That was fast." she says, her last words vanishing into the background. "What job are you doing? Did you remember everything?"

"I haven't remembered much. However, I did find that I have enough muscle memory to indicate I was a skilled in being  security." I state curiously.

"That makes sense, you might not remember but your body sure does. I've got to go, I'm a little busy. Good luck with your work though-" the phone blanks and the call ends.

"Bye," I say after the phone ends.

Thanking Strickler for the phone number and helping me out, him and Nomura leave the basement into the corridors.

I am left downstairs. 

Blank thoughts cloud my mind and I stand frozen again. Thinking about the days I've spent here in Arcadia.

Closing the phone and placing it in my pocket, I drop down to the ground and sit. The floor is made up of hard cement and is cold, so I just take in the temperature and shake nervously.
What now? Do I wait for a task request? Do I walk around the school, checking for any trouble?
Am I a security guard for any other reason than being capable or just here to keep an eye of Jim?

Peace, a word within my mind echo's again.
It's what I was told in the other world. Now being told here? Someone or something, is trying to communicate with me but I just can't hear them.

Thankfully my phone rings, tearing me away from my thoughts.

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