Page VIII Chapter I: The Difference

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After a long time of sitting and picking at the plants, I finish a crown of flowers. Someone taps my back and I tense up. I turn in response to find that it is Barbra, that the sun behind the hospital has managed to lower significantly. I can't see the sun, and the temperature has managed to drop too. It's even more cold.

"Here." I say, handing over the crown of flowers.

Barbra compliments the crown and tells me that it is thoughtful. She then states that her shift is over and that we can leave now.

To not seem disrespectful, I smile and ask "Did you have a nice time?"

To which she responds with a sigh and a long explanation on how long a day it felt. The explanation and description of her whole shift takes the exact length of the car ride. I forget the whole conversation too. Better off, that way I don't have to think about random instances that happened on her shift.

Upon reaching the house, we find that someone has parked out front and is waiting at the door.

Barbra locks the car as we exit and she strides up to the figure, greeting him or her. I just about manage to hear the persons name and find out who that person is, Stricklander. The name enters my mind and a full name is revealed from memory. Right, Walter Stricklander. I remember a bit more now. I knew he existed and worked with Bular but couldn't remember.

All three of us go into to the home and Barbra starts offers to serve tea to Walter.

Inside, I decide to sit on the couch while Barbra is sorting out some tea for Walt.

This very instance comes to me, like flashing images, I remember the rough story on the 'Tales of Arcadia'. That remembering this means, I am not supposed to be here. I also still feel like I am supposed to be here, since Walter is here. The Changeling. This isn't my world.

The front door opens, and I hear foot steps going from the the front door to the stairs. Barbra calls to someone called Jim and more memories come back. The memories of Jim, the Trollhunter. Barbra introduces Jim to Strickler, saying that she bumped into him. I half blank out the conversation the three share.

I wonder if anyone notices me if I lie down on the couch. I lie with my ankles on top of each other, with my arms crossed behind my head. I tilt my head back and look towards the three. Nothing, am I invisible?

"Hmm, " I sound. I ponder about if I do something, will they notice.

I walk past them into the kitchen where Barbra is, maybe I can get some paper to write a message and hand it to Walt as he is leaving. Something in my head is telling me to write something to him. That and I could use some help. I will have to be honest and truthful in what I say, otherwise he won't believe me.

"Thanks. I don't want to overstay my welcome. My phone, Mrs. Lake." Walt says, handing over a piece of paper to Barbra.

I ignore the next part since that's them two sorta flirting. Not the best lines in the story either.

Luckily enough, I have a pen and paper, I quickly write down what is needed. I got the pen from the hospital and snuck it into my pocket, it was when the doctor was testing my body and if it functions properly.

Then before Walter can exit through the front door, I walk over and place it into his pocket. The letter tells him where we should meet, that I know everything and if he wants help fighting the Trollhunter and bringing back Gunmar, that he'll need my help.

Things go smoothly, and my movements weren't noticed. Honestly, I should have been noticed and I should have been caught. Apparently, being sneaky is my strong suit? Which doesn't make sense at all. I've never been realistically silent unless I was extremely trying. Right then however, wasn't quiet. I just strolled over and slipped it into his pocket.

Anyway, I did put in the letter what I should look like. If he were to look for me, he would definitely find me.

The day eventually runs out and Barbra hands me bedding for sleeping on the couch. Tomorrow, I'll have to find a job and earn money. I think tomorrow will go just as smooth.
I start organising the placements on the couch. Once all the bedding is placed on the couch, the blankets and pillows, I lie down on top and I close my eyes. Taking on the events all through out the two days. The shock, the changes of my life and the differences of my new life that I will have to come to terms with.

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