Page VI Chapter IV: The Dream

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Because of my short height, the sort of dress comes up to my thighs.
She then places a mirror in the room and places the bath tub behind my head rest of the queen sized bed. After she leaves the room and closes the door, I snap back to my senses. What the?!

Curious and shocked by what just happened, I run over to the mirror. My legs now almost weightless and well breathed, I make it to the mirror in less than a second. The reflection makes me look really young, extremely young. Fifteen or more, and from what I can see as I get closer... I still have some wrinkles. I haven't de-aged. Just cleaner.

"Admiring yourself." Someone says. Instinctively, I turn to where the voice is coming from. Another hooded figure in the open door way. Visibly, the figure has their hands clasped together. Like someone in prayer. The hood of the figure is red, compared and contrast with the rest of the figures cloak which is black. Exactly like everyone else's cloaks, with that minor difference.

"Why? Why shave me? Why clean me? What do you gain from it?" I ask, desperate to get a clear answer as to why they are putting me on a metaphorical pedestal.

He pulls his hood down, the hood settling behind him as his lifts the cloak onto his shoulders. Thus revealing the rest of his outfit as dark brown leather and focused black metal in some areas around his body, with grey light clothes underneath. Pulling of his hair band, the main part of his hair flops behind him whilst the rest of his hair falls to either side of his face. The colour of his hair is very different to the rest of him as it is dark blue-ish with white strips here and there. His face is normal skin coloured with either side of his cheeks and lower part of his jaw having skin like a snake.

"So you trust us," he says blankly but then changes his expression to that of a soft smile.

It takes me a while but I eventually come up with a response, "Why should I be trusting you, when you have my friends locked up so I comply?!" I say, almost shouting.

"I haven't given you, Saviour, a reason yet? How forgetful of me. Guess I have no choice but to start over from the top." He says before forming a purple circle, creating two chairs and a table with a tea set on top. "Take a seat and I shall explain."

Should I trust him? He's done all this so I would. But what's stopping him from attacking once I sit? But then why would do so, when he's trying so hard to get my trust? I have no choice. For my friends. I hope this is all worth it. Taking a set at the table, I find that nothing has happened. I reach for the tea pot. Before I grab it, he gets to it and pours me a cup of tea. It could be something other than tea, but what else could it be if he's using a designed tea pot and tea cups. It would have to be tea, right?

Placing the cup in front of me, I can smell the contents from the white steam flowing out of the drink. Smells like a tea, I think. Grabbing the handle, I gently sip from the steaming drink. Just from that sip alone, I feel my whole body relax. My face changes to one of shock and the question I want to ask fades away. However, I remember that I don't know his name. That actually, I don't know any of their names.

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