Teenager Zombie Apocalypse CH-1

Start from the beginning

Ayan : Yeah, how do you know? and what do you mean by "too"?

Deepanshu : I am home alone without any medium to contact my parents as both of the phones are in my house

Ayan : F#ck Same here.

At this time Naitik is heard to be shouting and coming down the stairs of his house

Naitik : Ayan! Ayan! Deepanshu! What the hell is happening?!

Naitik comes out of his house

Naitik : I am home alone and....and....there is no one....

Ayan & Deepanshu : Ok we know, we 3 are stuck in the same situation.

Ayan's phone beeps
Ayan looks at it

 Ayan : Oh my wifi started working

Notification : Zombie outbreak !! Caution - Everyone has been evacuated to military camp to be safe except 7-18 years old teens

Naitik : We are already dead, I don't want to live !!!

Naitik starts sobbing
Ayan slaps Naitik

Ayan : What you worrying about we are all together and we will help each other.

Deepanshu : So you have a plan to survive peacefully right?

Ayan : Well, no.

Ayan : I just want us to be safe for now. We don't have to worry about out family since they are safe in the military camp.

Suddenly every person left behind from our locality (7-18 years old kids) barge out of their house either crying or in panic.
Drishti  and Mayan (her brother) meet with Ayan, Deepanshu and Naitik while Ayan was trying to calm every child down.
Ayan's phone beeps
Notification- The zombies were a biohazard project and are radioactive, thus they can be located via satellite radar. Here is the website for live location of zombies

Ayan : Let me check.

Everyone gathers around Ayan to look at his phone. Fortunately the zombies had not reached Delhi yet and are still in Uttarakhand

Ayan : This is our opportunity, Listen to my plan

Everyone : Tell us quick

Ayan : According to everyone, where should we stay?

Deepanshu : We should stay where there are a lot of supplies including food and water

Ayan : Exactly! We should stay at the grocery store in our locality until the supplies are over as we don't know anything specific about zombies, like their speed and strength. Thus we can't take risk.

Some kids: No we should live in a big luxurious place which is safe too

Ayan : Sorry but I disagree.

Kids : Then who said you have to come with us?

Kids : You can go according to your plan if you want to die and live a crappy life

Kids : We won't listen to you.

Ayan : I am older than you all. Just follow my orders for your own good

Kids : BLAH! BLAH! BLAH!. we said no.

Ayan gets angry but proceeds not to take any action

Ayan : Ok then, who is with me, come to my side and those on that kid's side can go to his side

Deepanshu, Naitik, Drishti, Mayan, Sujal, Mayank and Ayush stay by Ayan's side while others move to the kid's side. The kid has more people and they move towards nearby Farm No. 8

Teenager Zombie ApocalypseWhere stories live. Discover now