Chapter 34: Going for Gold

Start from the beginning

Ryoko darted off to the side, attempting to move away from the three injured men on the ground, but something in her gut made her stop. Her back toward the house as she looked toward the enemy pirates, "All in all you don't deserve even an ounce of any sort of respect." She says bluntly, tilting her head slightly, "Normally I wouldn't have bothered to do much. However, you happened to hurt people my friends care about. I don't like that." Her eyes narrowed beneath her mask, her eyes scanning over the group. 

Movement caught her attention as she lurched forward, slamming her boot into the flat of the large kukri-like blade of the seeming first mate of the crew. The blade slammed into the ground next to Masira's head. "Shit, I can't go on the offensive like this." she cursed to herself, however, a heavy impact slammed into her chest sending her flying back to focus. She was aware of the punch from the chaotic blond which had knocked the breath from her lungs. Her back crashed through the stone wall of the house behind her. For a moment she couldn't breathe in, as she lay on the broken remains of the table. She shifted momentarily, as she gasped air into her lungs and allowed a golden carved bell to roll under her body before collapsing back on top. She allowed her body to fall limp and staged a form of unconsciousness that she remembered seeing a few times in fights.

A man, clearly part of Bellamy's crew, walked into the house and began to tear it apart looking for the gold the man had. His grin was wide as he picked up a golden statue of a strange bird, and picked up a bell that sat near the woman's feet. He then left a mark on the wall, using some ink and paint, although from her position she couldn't get a good view of it. He cast a glance at the seemingly unconscious woman before hefting the gold up in a cloth and exiting.

 Ryoko lay on the bell for a moment longer before sitting up slowly with a groan of pain. "No way. You punks have no right taking that gold." Cricket said clearly angry that the pirates were stealing the gold he and the other two had worked so hard to retrieve. 

"I'll show you what gives us the right!" Sarquiss yelled, and although she couldn't see much from inside the house she could hear the name of the attack. "Big Chop!" A thud of a body was met with a brief cackle from the blue-haired man. "We're way stronger than you and your pals old man. I say that gives us the right to take what we want, when we want. Come on let's dance."

"If you don't mind I'm cutting in! Havoc Sonar!" Came the voice of one of the two men she had only briefly seen while heading back to the room. She then covered both her ears hearing the sound of a loud yell projecting out from, she assumed the man. 

The yell stopped with a loud gagging cough, and Ryoko quickly rolled to the left side of the room and watched as the hole she had made, got smashed open by the larger man who also crashed through the wall behind her. The sound of splintering wood, along with a distinct splash had her moving as she got onto her feet and leaped out of the wooden facade. Her form shifted in one swift move to spread her wings and avoid plunging into the ocean waves. Her eyes landed on the shape that slowly came to the surface, the man with long green hair floated unconscious at the top of the water. 

Ryoko lowered herself, beating her wings hard to keep herself from ending in the water, and hooked her talons on the man's shoulders. She then flew upwards, dragging him from the water as she flew back to the edge of the island.

 "As for you old man, grow up! This city of gold is just a fairy tale, that liar Nolan dreamed it all up! If you want to be a pirate in this new era, you better wise up, your dreams will never come true! Ever!" Bellamy yelled, laughing along with his crew. Ryoko landed on the ground, after setting the man carefully onto the ground in front of the now-broken home.

"You know something, junior?" Cricket says taking out his lighter and lighting his cigarette, "A worthless little punk like you, who is too afraid to believe in dreams, doesn't have the right to call himself a pirate." He let out a drag of smoke.

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