Chapter Thirty-Five

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Leah's POV

I reach over to take some pancakes from the plate in front of me but my mum slaps my hand away with a disapproving look, "uhuh, no pancakes for you!"

Jacob, who's seated in front of me grins, adding some whipped cream on his pancakes, making my mouth water.

"Come on mum" I complain, "My personal trainer doesn't have to know"

"That's not why im not letting you eat them Leah" she says and places some on Jacob's plate.

"Why don't I get any then? Its unfair"

"Because you hid your relationship from me for months" my mum hits me on the head with her napkin.

I groan in annoyance by fact that for the entire hour I've been in the café with my mum and brother, I've spent 59 minutes of it getting lectured by my mother and laughed at by my brother.

"The least you could do was bring her with you for breakfast so we could meet and get to know her" my mum places some pancakes on my plate anyway and I grin ins satisfaction.

"I told you mum, she was sleeping peacefully when I left and I didn't have the heart to wake her up"

My mum's 'anger' at me seems to fade away after my comment and she thankfully decides to drop this entire situation.

When me and Hailey started our PR relationship, it kind of got announced to the world right away because I guess we didn't handle the situation in the proper way. In between all of that, I didn't have the chance to explain to my family at the time that it was fake and now... it's a bit too late for that.

"What's gotten into your head Leah" Jacob asks and I shrug.

"Nothing, just thinking" I smile and we continue eating breakfast while making conversation and filling each other in on our lives to make up for the time we've spent apart, everyone busy doing their own job.

After eating and spending time with my family, I get up to leave, rushing to get to the pitch on time for training and excited to see Hailey.

"Next time, don't show up without your girlfriend" my mum warns me as she squeezes me into a tight hug.

"I wouldn't even dare"

Hailey's POV

"What's different about you today?" Jen asks me as she's walking with me into the front of the training ground.

"What do you mean?" I ask while I get stopped by a fan asking for a picture. I quickly pose and sign a short, leaving them happy.

"I don't know" Jen continues when we start walking again, "I haven't figured it out yet but you look... more happy?"

"Well, I guess I am"

Its true. For the first time in a while, everything seems to be working out for me.

"And where is lover girl?" Jen asks and hits me playfully with her elbow right in my rib.

"Leah left before I even woke up to spend the morning with her mum before training. She texted me a few minutes ago and she should be here any minute now"

"I heard your mum is here too" Jen says and I nod.

"She'll be watching me play for the first time in person on Sunday"

"Really?" Jen says and turns to look at me when we stop before the entrance of the changing rooms, "I'm really proud of you, of everything you do... I hope you know that"

"Thank you Jenny" I ruffle her hair making her groan.

"never touch my perfect hair again Hailey" she pretends to be mad, pointing her finger at me.

Catching Feelings- Leah WilliamsonWhere stories live. Discover now