Chapter Ten

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"For the hundredth time, im telling you Jonas, it's not what it looked like, I swear.  We were Both drunk" I say to my head coach, who has been pacing around in front of me for the past twenty minutes. 

"Then what happened?" Jonas says and turns to look at me.

"I went upstairs looking for the bathroom, a girl came out of a room and I assumed it was the bathroom and walked in and Leah was there.  It was just a drunken fumble.  Shouldn't you be paying more attention to whoever filmed us without our knowledge and sold it?" I say and Jonas turns to look out the window, "you have to believe me Jonas"

Jonas lets out a sigh while stroking his forehead with one of his hands, clearly stressed and unpleased with the situation. 

"You have no idea how many problems this will cause us.  The media is already going crazy with their assumptions"

Leah was the one standing in her underwear coming on to me, but yet I still feel like it was partially my fault.  Maybe if I avoided her like I said I would when I joined Arsenal then maybe we wouldnt be here right now. 

"How can I fix it?" I ask while letting out a low sigh.

"Im... We're going to talk with HR and Leah then ill decide if I'll report it or not"

Jonas opens his office door and asks me to wait outside with Leah whilst he talks with HR. 

"Come sit"

I look towards where the voice came from and I see Leah sitting on a couch, looking at her phone. 

"Im fine here" I tell her and shift my attention away from her. 

"I dont bite" a smirk appears on Leah's face while she looks up at me. 

"Well I do" I tell her and she chuckles.

"He's going to be in there a while but... suit yourself"

I stand there for what feels like forever, trying to distract myself. I even take a walk around the room but my feet start feeling weak so I just give up and take a seat on the sofa as far away from Leah as I can. 

From the corner of my eye I can see Leah looking my way and grinning. 

"Are you always so stubborn?" she asks but I decide to ignore her and not give her the satisfaction.

"Are you just going to ignore my presence?" she continues to ask but I just look ahead.

That's the plan.

Suddenly she gets ip and moves closer to me, so close that our knees are almost touching.  Leah places one of her arms over the top of the sofa, near my shoulders which irritates me even more.  In fact, her entire presence irritates me right now. 

"Ever heard of personal space?" I ask her with a flat tone?

"So now you're talking to me?"

I roll my eyes at her comment. 

"Why do you always roll your eyes at me?"

Because you're annoying and I like pushing your buttons" I turn to look at her and give her a fake smile.

"Try unbuttoning them, you'd like it more"

"Can you stop doing that?" I turn away from her, hiding the fact that my cheeks are turning red right now. 

Definitely not thinking about Leah without a shirt on right now. 

"Doing what?" she asks 'clueless'

"Flirting with me, im still mad at you"

Leah leans in, her lips close to my ear.

"I can tell you secretly enjoy it" she whispers.

"Just the opposite" I place my hand on her face pushing her away, "it makes me want to throw up"

"Liar" she mumbles and I pretend I dont hear her. 

A few minutes later, Jonas opens the door and asks Leah to come in.  

Leah walks to the door towards Jonas' office and winks at me before entering.  I let out an irritated sigh and stick my middle finger up at her. 

***  ***

After a while of sitting on the sofa staring at absolutely nothing, some loud talking could be heard from the office. 

Is that Leah talking loudly? More like screaming. 

I try to make out what she is saying, but with the door closed it's hard.  My heart starts beating faster and I realise that this whole situation is making me nervous.

What is making Leah this upset? 

Suddenly the door is open forcefully and Leah walks out with an angry expression.  She doesn't stop to look at me or say anything, she just leaves. 

"Hailey" I hear Jonas call on me before I slowly get up. 

Now I really dont want to go in there. 

I take a deep breath and  walk in, greeting Jonas and taking a seat infront of my head coach. 

"Hailey..." Jonas begins "you probably know by now that we have a delicate situation on our hands because of what has been published today"

I slightly nod, my fingers that are under the table playing nervously with each other. 

"The media have gone wild with what has been published today.  We have discussed with HR and we have come to the conclusion that the only way to fix this is to come up with a cover up"

I look at Jonas holding my breath. 

"You and Leah are going to commit to a PR relationship.

"We're what?!"

Catching Feelings- Leah WilliamsonWhere stories live. Discover now