Chapter Twenty-Eight

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"So, not that I mind but why'd you give me a call and ask me to hang out so last minute?" Caitlin asks me while running beside me. We both decided to go a run.

"I had to leave the hotel room for a bit" what I don't tell her is 'I had to run away from Leah" literally.

"Are you and Leah fighting again?" she asks concerned.

"Quite the opposite actually" I say out of breath.

I don't think we've ever got along this well with each other before. And that's the problem. It just took a few sweet words from Leah for me to lose control.

And I cant lose my control. Not now when my future is at risk. I cant get attached because it will do me no good. It will make me lose. And I came here to better my career.

"I even have a date later on today" I stop running and start walking instead, trying to calm down my breathing as the sun warms my skin.

"Aww, where is she taking you?"

Wherever Jonas told her to I think to myself.

"No clue" I shrug "she says it's a surprise"

"You really won with Leah you know" Caitlin says and takes a sip of her water, "I can tell she treats you well"

I smile at her, because of all the support she's been giving me and I immediately get a sharp feeling in my gut because of the realisation that im lying to her. Im lying to everyone around me. Im even lying to myself.

My phone suddenly starts ringing in my pocket and I pull it out.

"Did she actually start missing you this soon?" Caitlin laughs but I shake my head.

"Its my mum, we're meeting up for breakfast" I say and we both start walking back to the hotel.

"Sorry that I have to cut this short, but I need to get ready before I meet her"

"Don't worry" Caitlin says and gives me a hug when we get back to the front of the hotel, "I'll see you later"

*** ***

I watch people pass by as I'm seated on a table by the window in a secluded coffee shop. I play with the menu on the table and I wonder what it would be like the moment she walks in.

I haven't seen my mum for a whole year. The last time I saw her and my dad was at my brothers funeral. After that, everything basically just fell apart as life went on.

I guess in a few minutes I'll stop making up fake scenarios of what it would be like if I came face to face with her again. That's if she even bothers to show up.

I pull out my phone from my pocket and start going through social media to try and distract myself, but nothing seems to do the trick.

Without even realising what I'm doing, I find myself going through my list of contacts and Leah's name is displayed on the screen.

Should I call her while I wait?

I turn my phone off anxiously and lay it face down on the table before taking it in my hands again and calling Leah. I place the phone to my ear, impatiently listening to the beeping sounds.

*** ***

Leah's POV

"So if we want to get this strategy to work you both need to work together this Sunday, we cant afford any mistakes" Jonas tells me and Kim while he's seated at the head of the table.

"Lets get into more details" Jonas says and stands up to walk towards the white board where a presentation is displayed.

I start paying attention to his words and to the sketches behind him but then my phone that's lying on the table starts ringing.

"Leah" Jonas stops mid sentence and glances over at me.

"Excuse me" I say and pick up my phone, ready to decline the call but then I see...


Huh? Why is she calling me?

I immediately start feeling a bit worried. She's never called me before so it must be urgent.

I look up and see that everyone in the room is staring at me, waiting to get back to the meeting.

"Is it okay if I take this call? Its important" I say and wait for Jonas' approval, "it wont take long"

He only sighs and nods his head.

I push back my chair and stand up, walking out of the meeting room. As soon as the door behind me closes, I answer the call.


"Leah" is heard from the other side. Her voice breaks a little but at the same time I can practically hear the relief coming out of her.

"Is everything okay?" I ask and start walking in circles, "are you okay?"

"Im fine but im panicking a bit" she lets out a nervous giggle, "I just had to hear a familiar voice"

I look back to the meeting room door while still standing outside in the corridor.

"Is this a bad time?" Hailey asks when she doesn't hear me say anything "Should I go?"

"no no its fine, im free to talk right now" I say and switch my phone to my other ear while leaning my back on the wall, "did you meet her yet?" I ask, and by her I mean her mum.

"Not yet" she sighs, "what if she wont show up?"

"If she wont..." I pause for a bit before continuing, trying to measure the weight of my words, "then you still have me"

Catching Feelings- Leah WilliamsonWhere stories live. Discover now