Chapter Thirty-Three

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Hailey's POV

We both talk and sign along to the radio the entire drive, our voices being muffled by the wind and soon enough, without realising it, Leah parks in front of a beautiful restaurant.

"Are you ready?" she asks, turning her head to look at me and I nod.

She gives me a reassuring smile, before getting out of the car and rushing to my side holding the door open for me. I get out and smile at Leah, trying to act a bit affectionate since I know that we're being watched. Leah closes the door and we both start walking to the entrance of the restaurant. I watch as Leah throws a few glances around, here and there, probably trying to figure out the location of the paparazzi.

"Can I hold your hand?" she then murmurs a few seconds later but before I can answer, she interlocks her fingers with mine. As soon as she does so, I could have sworn I seen a camera light flashing in the distance. I can tell that Leah saw it too as she gives my hand a gentle squeeze.

We both enter the restaurant that's decorated beautifully with flowers and lights and is completely empty. A young waiter greets us and leads us to our table that has our names on it written on paper. Everything about this is well thought and previously planned.

Its like our lives are Jonas' chessboard and me and Leah are the white and black chess pieces that he will play with and move around according to his strategies and plans.

Leah helps me to my seat before walking to her seat in front of me. I watch her fidget with her bracelets, which I've realised she only does when she's nervous or stressed. And Leah is rarely nervous. Even before games, she remains calm which is something I envy.

"Don't be nervous about the camera on us" I tell her to make her feel a bit more comfortable and more sure in herself.

"Its not the cameras that are making me nervous" she crosses her arms on top of the table.

"Then what is it?"

Leah glances up at me and then down again, avoiding eye contact. It looks like she's trying to figure out whether to tell me what she's thinking or not.

"It's the fact that we're on a date" she blurts out and I watch as the tups of her ears turn slightly pink.

"Oh... but this isn't your first date?"

"I know I haven't been on a lot of dates... I don't really know how this works"

I definitely forgot about all the articles I'd read about her, about how she was seen with different girls every night at the beginning of the season. I myself have seen it happen. Its no surprise that she has not a lot of dating experience. I guess we're kind of the same in this case.

"You're doing great so far" I lean over and gently brush my hand against hers.

She has been acting so affectionately today, but is she doing that to look good in front of the cameras or to look good in front of me?

The waiter arrives to our table shortly and we give him our orders quickly. After a few minutes we are left alone again.

"So, do you like this place?" Leah asks.

"Yeah, Jonas did a nice job picking this out"

"He didn't" Leah says and I look at her confused, "I did"

"Really?" I ask and she nods.

"This is my favourite restaurant here in the city and I wanted to bring you here" she says and turns her head.

I catch myself admiring her, every little detail. I could get lost by only looking in her eyes. And when she smiles, it seems like the rest of the work around is black and white but Leah... she is a thousand colours all at once. In full brightness.

Catching Feelings- Leah WilliamsonWhere stories live. Discover now