Chapter Thirty

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Hailey's POV

"It's crazy that she hasn't told me anything about you. We've been together for almost a year"

Seated on a chair inside the hotel, her words still echo inside of my head. They've haunted me from the moment I heard them leave her mouth. I can still feel the way the hair on the back of my head rose up, or how I couldn't find the words to respond. I was forced to fake a smile, forced to act like I wasn't just about to have a panic attach in the middle of the street.

How is this happening? How did I not see this coming?

I never thought that Katie could be a person to do something like that, to her... to me. A part of me still cant believe it. I don't want to believe it.

Leah was right all along. Katie is not who I thought she was

"You just signed the same hat twice"

I stop zoning out and shift my attention towards where the voice came from, where Katie just walked inside of the room. I immediately look down and see my signature scribbled twice on top of the red hat that I'm holding.

"You look tired" Katie says and approaches the table quietly, "you wanna take a break?"

My head stands low. I'm unable to look at her. Even just hearing her talk is making me sick to my stomach. I try my best to block out the memories of her kissing me in front of my door.

When she kissed me then, I felt overwhelmed because of the way Katie made me feel. Then, I thought I felt something towards her but looking back I realise that it was just the lack of affection from people in my life. I felt alone, and Katie was there. She was the only one who make me feel even a glimpse of comfort and I mistook it for more.

Now I realise that I was wrong.

"Earth to Hailey" Katie says and waves her hand in front of my face while I try with everything in me not to flinch away, "have you gotten any sleep lately?"

"Im fine" I murmur coldly and take another hat for the pile and sign. My foot taps anxiously on the floor since I can feel Katie watching my every move. She seems like she wants to strike up a conversation with me but after I accidentally found out her little secret, im not particularly feeling very chatty.

"So..." she clears her throat "How's Leah?"

"Why don't you go and ask her that for yourself?" I reply and curse myself for not giving her the silent treatment.

"I mean... how are you and Leah?"

"And why do you ask?" I look at her now.

Katie shrugs.

"I'm just asking because I haven't really seen you since you moved in with her"

"I didn't move in with her" I look down again to avoid rolling my eyes at her statement "I'm just staying with her for the weekend"

"Is that what you told Jonas?"

I stop what I'm doing and lean back in my chair.

"What I do in my private life outside from work shouldn't concern Jonas. He is in no position to question me about it" my tone raises a little as im starting to get irritated.

If Jonas knew that I've been staying with Leah for the past few days, I don't think he would be too happy, considering that none of this was part of the contract. There's nothing and no one that's making me stay with Leah and yet once the sun sets, I always end up back at her hotel room.

Catching Feelings- Leah WilliamsonWhere stories live. Discover now