"Why not?" Lady asks.

"There is no one to watch over you at the moment."

I sighed in annoyance. First Jin and now RM.

"We just wanted to swim RM. We used to do this all the time in Outer Banks. This is nothing new to us. Maybe to you and the others, but Lady and I were lifeguards once upon a time and swim in the ocean plenty of times."

"Just come back to the pool ladies." He asks and I shake my head as I walk out of the water and grab my things. Instead of going back to the pool, I head to my hut to shower and change. I needed to be alone before I lost my cool.

"That was utter bullshit." Lady exclaims as she enters the hut and closes the door. This time she locks it so that no one can bother us.

I strip out of my wet clothing and step into the shower, yelling out, "It almost makes me want to go home."

"Just shower and change, maybe read a book and unwind. I can feel your anger from here."

I nod as I close the door and shower, before changing into a pair of black shorts and a black tank top. With me being angry, black was my go to color. I just hoped that everyone stayed away or they would meet the bitchier side of me tonight.

Lady showers after I come out and changes into a pair of jean short and a white tank top. She too is showing a bit of attitude as we place our dirty clothing into the hamper to wash and unlock our door. When I go to open it, I find a basket with chocolates and face masks inside with a note from RM.

Lady and Cole –

I apologize for today. I was unaware of your certifications and was told by the crew that you were safe and that I didn't have to interfere. Please accept these chocolates and face masks as an apology and hope to see you at dinner.


I showed Lady the note and she chuckled. "They certainly don't want ARMY to hate them, don't they?" she asks.

"I guess so." I say as I place the basket on the table by the door and we exit the hut.

We make our way to the main building where everyone is sitting down for dinner. I notice that we are the furthest from BTS this time around as Lee and Dee have taken up the two prominent seats.

We take our seats and I notice that RM keeps glancing over at us. I look down to my entwined hands, ignoring the looks from the others.

"Where did you run off to?" Ray asked from his seat next to me.

"To my hut to change." I retort.

"No need to be a bitch." Pez says and Em shoots him a glare.

"Leave them alone Pez." Lutz demands, "Maybe some of you are just plain annoying and they didn't want to deal with you."

Pez glares at the young man. "At least I don't whine over petty shit."

I sharply look over at him and clench my fists. I would have punched him right then and there if I wasn't being filmed.

"That's enough." I heard Suga yell and the room quiet.

"Pez, Ray, you will apologize to Lady and Cole. There was a misunderstanding and it has been dealt with. It does not concern any of you, so drop it."

The others nod as Pez and Ray glower at me before turning away. Jungkook comes over and motions that we are to sit on the other end of the table, away from the two French men. The rest of dinner goes quietly, but at the end, RM stands and clinks his glass to get our attention.

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