Amusement Park

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POV Marinette:

It's Sunday, I can't wait to leave to the amusement park with Adrien. it's only 11am, but I'm so excited that I wake up early

I went to Adrien's room, I knocked but he didn't answer. I'm sure that Adrien is sleeping like a baby

I opened the door, and when I looked at him sleeping, I groaned so I run toward him and jumped on his bed like a child

I was jumping on his bed and calling his name

Adrien: mhmmmm Mari, just more five minutes

I knelt beside him, and crossed my arms with a pout. Adrien is a fucking lazy ass

Marinette: Adrien, wake up it's 11am

Adrien: 11am?????? It's still early

He said before getting his pillow over his head. I raised my eyebrow and then I take the pillow away but he takes the other pillow and put it under his head

I pouted and put the other pillow just beside him and laid on the bed, I was watching Adrien sleeping and I smile

He is so perfect, and I don't know why he didn't find a wife yet. any girl could fall in love with him

I yelped when I felt Adrien's strong arms pulling me toward his chest and wrapped them around me. I blushed because I had my head laying on his bare chest...... damn it's like a pillow

I don't want to stand up, but I have too. I want to spend the whole day with Adrien

Marinette: wake up baby

Adrien: I'm awake. You are worst that my alarm

I giggled when I looked at him, at first, he was talking with me with his eyes shut but he opened them

Adrien: good morning princess

Marinette: good morning darling

Adrien: what about going out for breakfast

Marinette: yaaaaaaaaaay thanks Adrien

I giggled and kissed his cheek. he finally stands up and went to his bathroom for a shower and I did the same. It takes us 45 minutes for both to get ready

 It takes us 45 minutes for both to get ready

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#Their Outfits

When I went down, I found Adrien waiting for me. when he looked at me, he smiled and I don't know what happened to me, I just run toward him and wrapped my arms around him. I was so happy when he hugged me back

Adrien: let's go princess. what you want to eat?

Marinette: mhmmmmm tacos

He held my hand and we left to the nearest Mexican restaurant. we ordered tacos but I laugh because Adrien found it a bit hot

Little MiracleOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora