Chapter 6. Island

Comincia dall'inizio

Wait what's going on-

"K.C. can join Sun and Moon."

"We have to be with the old one?"
Sun sticks out his tongue jokingly.

"... I'm only twenty eight-"
K.C. sighs tiredly.

"Does the old man need a nap?"

"Moon and Sun. Stop. We're all adults here."
Earth snaps a bit, Sun and Moon, along with Lunar, had been calling K.C. old for the last couple weeks.

"Fine, but weren't wrong though."

Earth stares dagger's into Moon's eyes, and makes a harsh stomp on the deck, making Sun flitch at the sound.

"Anyways. Now that we all have groups, lets get going."

Earth walks over to an edge of the boat, jumping off onto the island.

Lunar unhatches a rope, and slides down it by the wall of the boat, landing on the island ground.

K.C. gets a running start, then hops over the boast edge, falling to the ground.

Monty swings from the top of the boat, landing on the ground easily.

Gemini, with encouragement from Lunar, sits onto the edge of the boat, scarcely jumping off.


"Do the same thing Sun does."

"what does Sun do-?"

Sun giggles, and simply falls backwards onto the ground, Monty catching him and standing him up on the ground.

"That seems really dangerous-"

"It's really not."
Moon falls backwards aswell, and rolls a bit once hitting the ground.

"... This feels like a trust test-"
Solar, though worried, drops Ruin off the boat, Monty easily snatching them, though righy after just drops them.

Solar, scared, simply just jumps into shallow water, accidentally face planting into sand, followed by a loud chuckle from almost everyone.

"Whys everyone laughing?"
A confused Sun looks from left and right confused.

"Solar faceplanted into the sand-"
Moon says between laughs.

"Ooh- HAH-"
Sun bursts into laughter, along with everyone else.

Ruin, other then laughing, scrambles to Solar, accidentally falling ontop on him, also face planting on sand.

Everyone brusts into a louder laugher.


"I heard that one-"

I'm being laughed at-

Pirate life isn't what I was expecting so far-

Solar lightly pushes off Ruin, standing up, Ruin latching onto his legs as Solar shakes off the sand from his outfit, face, and hands.

There's sand in my shoes- Now this is horrible.

Monty clears her throat.
"OK. EVERYONE QUIET DOWN. Gemini, Lunar, Earth, you three stay near, me, Solar and Captain will go far, Sun, Moon and K.C. go middle."

"W-Wait- how will we know when to head back-?"

"When you hear Monty scream a random word."

"W-What- ok-..."
Solar lifts Ruin onto their feet, them immediately hugging onto Solar, getting his clothes covered in sand once again.

Everyone starts walking off, other then Monty, who just walks up the Solar and Ruin.

"So... Are you two-?"
Monty points from Solar, to Ruin, back and forth muitple times.

"W-What- oh- Are we dating-?"

"Are you two?"

"He's gonna be my husband!"
Ruin gives Solar a kiss on the cheek, still clinging onto him.

Oh my gosh their so cute like this- their suddenly so bubbly-

"Hm, well that's good."

"What do you mean-"

"Well- like a decade ago, Captain got a crush on a boy he met- and I almost thought that they'd never move on-"

"Wait who-?"

"Just some random boy- I don't know- Personally I never got to meet him."

Well thats good. No one is stealing this pirate from me- wait is that possessive-?


"O-Ok- um-"

"Lets get going lovebirds."

Monty starts walking off, and Solar follows, helping Ruin stay standing while doing so.

Hm... I wonder what's on this island...

What if theres buried treasure-?! That'd be so cool!

What if there's enemies-?! Other pirate groups-?!

Now I wish I brought that sword-


Writing bubbly drunk Ruin was too much fun for me-

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