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From the moment Inumaki sat down

Inumaki's pov

"Kelp!" i greeted my friends who were sitting at the table next to the underclassmen. I sat down and placed my paper bag between my feet.
"Woaaah, looks like you and (y/n) went to a shopping spree, huh?" I heard Panda say beside me.
"Salmon!" and i simply nodded happily, remembering her sweet melodious voice telling me these and that, our bodies being inches away from each other and the desire to hold her little warm hand once again.
"Easy there. You're as red as a tomato" Maki smirked mischievously and i gave her a dead look, which she chuckled about. From the corner of my eye i saw
(y/n) step away from her friends and go to the cashier. I admired her hips swinging from side to side, her hair moving along with them, her clothes shaped her curves perfectly. Baby blue looks so good on her.
"So what did you two buy?" Maki asked and i knew Panda had the same question. I picked up the bag from the floor and showed them my new skin care set. Panda looked even more curious and Maki's face was surprised.
"I didn't know you were into this stuff" she commented and took a spoon of her cake.
My attention went back to the girl, who's now at the counter picking up her order. There was another guy next to her and out of nowhere they began talking. He seemed interested in her.

Why are they talking? Does she not see he's hitting on her? Or is she interested too...?

I saw the way her eyes sparkled at his, the way she smiled at him and her laughing echoing through the cafeteria's noise. I felt a burning sensation coming to my throat- a lump in the throat. I gulped thickly, hoping it would go away. Suddenly my body's temperature grew, making me warmer and sweat, even thought i was just with my tank top and my pants and the cafe's air conditioner was on.
Watching them interact with each other made me sick.

Maybe she doesn't like me after all?
What about they way we look at each other? Was it special for her too?
The little signals she gave me? Did they even mean something?
Am i jealous?

"Hey Inumaki, are you okay?"
I snapped back to reality hearing Panda's voice.
I couldn't keep my eyes off of them, realising that it's impossible for someone like her to actually like me. Anyone would prefer a boy that speaks freely rather than one stuck with a curse and unable to form a coherent sentence. How fool of me thinking that someone might finally have feelings for me.
I sighed in despair.

(y/n)'s pov

"So... are you single? taken? or even interested?" Ichiro questioned me, his voice was quite deep and rasp, and honestly i couldn't bring myself to like it.
He was a nice guy, i won't deny that but boy, if he only talks about himself. He was so full of himself that it annoyed me. I just wanted to leave.

"Interested, actually."
"oh? is that so? I'll back off then. Don't wanna get into a fight, though i'll easily win. See that guy over there? yeah, that one with the white hair and the weird markings around his mouth. He's been giving me death glares since i started talking to you. Thought maybe he's the one you're interested to."
I almost choked on my cappuccino when he mentioned Inumaki-senpai.

"Careful there. Here, have a tissue."
he handed me a tissue and i took it to wipe my mouth. He quickly looked at his watched and his eyes widened.

"I'm late. It was nice meeting you (y/n). Hopefully we might bump into each other again, and maybe you won't be interested in someone else but me." Before leaving his spot and finishing his espresso, he winked at me. I made a disgusted face and happily sighed. He was finally gone. I left my finished cup at the counter and went back to my seat, where Kugisaki and Megumi were still waiting for me.

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