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(y/n)'s pov
I threw myself on my bed, my back met the comfortable fabric and i didn't dare to move, my body and all of its muscles were slowly relaxing and for a minute i forgot about my back pain. I closed my eyes and paid attention to all the surroundings around me, i listened carefully the wind blowing outside my window brushing the grass edges, the birds chirping and singing, the silence my room was completely in. It was almost irritating. I opened my eyes again and looked at the clock on my nightstand.

8:23 pm

i turned on my side, where my phone was, and an idea came to my mind. I created a groupchat with my comrades and the second-years and began typing

I'm glad most of them agreed, i was still waiting for Inumaki-senpai's and Panda-senpai's reply but today's accumulated fatigue made me close my eyes, it overtook my body and i just let myself fall into a deep sleep

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I'm glad most of them agreed, i was still waiting for Inumaki-senpai's and Panda-senpai's reply but today's accumulated fatigue made me close my eyes, it overtook my body and i just let myself fall into a deep sleep.

The next morning

We were all up, everyone was getting ready in their own dorm while here i am, standing in front of my wardrobe, picking today's outfit. It felt like all of my clothes got ugly all of the sudden. I checked today's weather and it looks like it's going to be a sunny day. I had a few options in mind but i didn't want to overdo it since we were just going to the mall after all. Still i couldn't come up with a nice outfit. Luckily i already did my make up, it wasn't too much. just enough for people to see. I stared at my clothes scattered all over my bed and i deeply sighed. Helpless, i picked up the phone and called Kugisaki.
After a few rings, she picked up.

"What? I'm busy getting ready."
"I don't know what to wear. Can you help me?"
*beep beep*

Oh. She hang up. I threw my phone on my bed and began looking inside my wardrobe, in hopes i could find something decent to wear. I heard heavy steps from outside getting closer and suddenly my room's door opened and hit the wall, making a loud noise.
I looked over my shoulders and saw Kugisaki standing and looking disgusted at the view of my dorm. "What's all this chaos!? Did a tornado pass here?" she commented and stumbled a little to go through the clothes on my floor. She was doing big steps on her tippy toes to avoid getting my garments dirty until she reached the spot where i was.
Without my consent she started going all over my clothes, trying to find something nice that would fit me. I just stayed in my place, staring at her doing all the work. It took her not even five minutes that she already found 3 different outfits. "Try this" and she threw me the first option, i looked at it weirdly doubting it would be my style. "Chop chop, clock is ticking! We don't have much time" she said while pushing me into the bathroom.


"How about this? I think it suits me the most" I questioned while looking at myself in the mirror. I saw Nobara looking at me with an amazed face and twinkling eyes. "You look so perfect!" she exclaimed and it made me feel so beautiful. I picked the third option she gave me which were some buttercream coloured shorts, a shortened white tank top and a baby blue striped shirt. It was basic but i really liked it. After finishing the last touch ups we got out of my room and headed outside at the meeting point. Everyone was there waiting for us, impatiently. They were all dressed up nicely and suitable for today's weather. What caught my eyes was seeing Inumaki-senpai there, as i remember waiting for his answer yesterday night. And what caught even more my eyes were his exposed shoulders and biceps.
[see above]

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