~ the one that is the day after the deal

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The need for an aspirin is what finally wakes you up from your dream. Well it's more the headache that is asking for an aspirin. Opening the drawer next to your bed you take out 2 pills and put them into your mouth. Noticing the empty water bottle you decide to go into the bathroom and drink some water out of the sink.

The moment you stand on your feet the world starts to spin. A sharp pain entering your head makes you sit back down on your bed. Swallowing an aspirin without water seems like the best option right now. Swallowing the pill isn't hard and you hate to admit that it isn't your first time. College was a dark time but also left a lot of fun.

closing your eyes, all the memories of yesterday flow back into your mind. Seeing Jimin again, him convincing you to let go of Jin, partying, sitting on Jungkook's lap, riding home with him, riding him. Suddenly very aware of what happened you straighten your spine.

This is the reason why you don't drink. You make impulsive decisions and right now you are feeling like you just got run over by the decisions of yesterday.

Hoping that the last part of your memory is a dream you want to get back to sleep but you can't, last night feels like a fever dream. The possibility of you passing out and having a wet dream about Jungkook seems more likely than making him your fuckbuddy.

Just out of a relationship you really aren't looking to be attached to someone else. If you have learned one thing then it's to stop jumping from one thing to another. Jungkook and you just met. He may know a good amount of things about you but you've just been talking a lot. Exchanging messages is a normal way to get to know each other. He is your neighbor after all. Running into each other is the most normal thing that would happen and the fact that you've formed a connection is totally normal.

Now that normal interaction has changed to an awkward situation. Last night totally changed the bond you guys could've had. How are you supposed to look into his eyes?

Finally coming to the conclusion that last night did indeed happen you decide to get a shower as soon as possible. The smell of alcohol has consumed you and you want to wash it off as soon as possible.

The moment you see yourself in your body length mirror you stop in your tracks. Groaning is the only thing you can do when you see your body.


Hickeys on your neck, legs, boobs and basically everywhere else he could've left them. You could also have gotten an infection and are dying the next 24 hours or Jungkook is really a menace. Inside the shower you keep trying to remember every detail of last night.

A haze of last night's memories fly into your mind and you do everything you possibly can to remember them.

The bulge, cab, couch, bedroom, him and you agreeing to be fuck buddies, the shower, the kitchen and the bed again. A menace, a fucking menace. Both of you must've been too drunk to even think about the outcome of last night's actions.

The worst part is that you remember everything. How he made your core shake, bit your lip, ate you out... The amount of times you've come undone is rather unknown. To even come that much in one night seems concerning. His lips are impossible to forget, how they left traces around your body. Jin used to only focus on your lips and satisfy himself. The impact of Jungkook kissing you everywhere made you come so much faster and harder than you ever did with Jin.

He changed the way you will fuck forever but you and Jungkook don't have the attachment like you had with Jin, the attachment you had to him.

Scrubbing yourself free from the alcohol you try to find something appropriate to wear to cover all the hickeys jungkook has left. The crew neck with long sleeves in your closet is looking at you like it knows it is going to get picked. You settle on a white crewneck and a blue tracksuit.

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