/7/ Connect The Dots

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"Cesc how can you be so confident

When I don't believe in it myself?

I'm sorry you have to go through this

I bet you're ashamed of me as well

I didn't want you to see me like this

I've just been trying to connect the dots

I can't seem to know who I am

But I certainly know who I'm not

It's just that the world sometimes

Can make me feel so small...

Hey now, I guess the evening

Is bringing me down, that's all"

"If I didn't think you were good enough

And that you'd come through somehow

If I didn't believe in you, Celya,

Would I be standing here right now?

Your talent is immense darling

It could bring the world to its knees

Your mind is as beautiful as endless

And your soul is a masterpiece

You have me for the ups and downs

You have me for the days of doubt

And you know there's nothing I love

More than your fragile heart

I can try to give you courage

But you gotta stand up straight

No one can thicken your skin

Or carry your own weight

You must have the strength

To believe that the best will come

And let that power you withhold

Work with your heart as one

The lights for you will shine

Much brighter than you know

You'll thrive, and through it all

I'll be there to watch you glow"

And with that Cesc thought he had

Cleared her apprehension and fear

But what he didn't know was that

It would all go downhill from here.

Fast Lane // Fabregas ~ Prequel to CrossroadsWhere stories live. Discover now