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Heading back to school I could feel eyes on me, I didn't turn around to see, I was way too embarrassed after what had just happened, all the boys were welcoming but Easton....I don't think I wanted to be around him. There was just something about him that threw me and I didn't know what or why. Maybe I should stay away from him especially if he didn't want me around. Him or his friends, but on the other hand his friends were welcoming and seemed to want me to have lunch with them. My mind was going in circles and I couldn't figure out what to do.
Walking in the deserted halls I thought maybe to stay clear of the cafeteria since it was lunch time, and the school was seriously over populated, so I decided to just go to my next class and wait, I didn't have lunch anyway, that wasn't so unusual for me.
Finding my class I found the door was locked so I slid to the floor my back pressed to the wall and waited, pulling my knees up to my chest, and leaning my head against my knees. I was tired, I could barely keep my eyes open.

Suddenly I'm being jerked up by my forearm, and into a standing position, there glaring in all the their glory is Easton. "I told you to stay away," he all but growled out.
" I am staying away, or obviously I would still be outside at the table." I snap back. I usually don't snap back at people, but he didn't have man handle me. rude, i thought I didn't do anything besides just meet some potential friends.
" Obviously not if your waiting outside the class room waiting for them!" He shot back, I try wrenching my arm back but he's got it in a death grip and I'm sure I'll supporting a bruise their later.
"I'm in this class!" I cry out, "I don't have any control over what class times I get."
" Than switch out." He demands.
"No!" I don't know why I'm fighting back so hard for a class I've already taken, but I'm angry that he thinks he can just demand me to just switch out.
"Yes. Or I'll make your life miserable." I want to laugh, make my life miserable please, my life is already miserable.
"Hi Mia," Madelyn said walking up to the class room, glaring at the ogre who had my arm in a vice. "Mind letting go of my friends arm." Her words seething.
Giving my arm another squeeze before he dropped it. I was grateful she came when she did. We all heard the click of the door, as the teacher on the other side unlocked his classroom. Easton went in first, stomping his way in.
Sighing once the door was closed, I looked at my arm, it was bright red from where he squeezed, already forming a bruise I knew would be there by the end of the day, maddie gently grabbed my arm, examining it herself, "let's go," she said pulling my hand as she led me away from the classroom.
"Where?" I asked as I let her lead me down the hall.
"Dr. Fins office." She said, " so what happened why did he have your arm like that?"
"He wants me to switch out of the class."
"What, why!?" She demanded turning to me, her eyes blazing in furiously.
"I'm not entirely sure to be honest, he told me to stay away from his friends."
"Easton arimollo is an asshole, just because he's rich he thinks he can treat anyone the way he wants." She said rolling her eyes, "seriously, just because he's rich he thinks he can demand anyone to do anything he wants them to do." Maddie said angry, as she stomped through the hall.
I wasn't sure what to say to that, so I stayed silent. we continued to walk down the empty hall, until we reached Dr Fins office. Maddie knocked on the door. "Aye, come in." Called doctor Fin.
"Ah, hello lassies, what can I do for you?" Dr fin asked turning in his medical stool twords at us.
"Can you take a look at Mia's arm."
Moving forward I stretched my arm out to the good doctor, taking me by the wrist gently he guided me to the hospital bed, he had in his office and told me to take a seat at the end.
"Okay lassie which arm?" He asked standing in front of me, Madelyn moved to my left. "my right arm." I said turning my body so he could see the angle better.
He gasp as he saw my forearm, gently he ran his hand down my arm, tracing it slightly I sucked in a sharp breath has his fingers barely skimed my flesh. " I'm sorry lassie I'm going to have to squeeze the muscle a bit make sure there's no tears, on the ligaments or muscles, tendons or even the bone." I nodded my understanding.
"How did this happen lassie? Who grabbed you?" He asked squeezing lightly around my arm.
" How did you know Ive been grabbed?" I asked.
Dr. Fin smiled softly, "you've got a hand print you do. Now come on lassie out with it." I frowned, did I want to tell him? Before I could even decide on how to answer Madelyn did.
"Easton Arimollo."
"Easton did this?" He asked surprised, as he rotated my arm around, making sure it would move right.
"Yeah..."I said softly.
"Okay Mia, I'm going to give you some pain meds, try not to move it too much, and when you get home ice it or put heat on it" he said moving to a locked cabinet and grabbing a foiled tin and punched out two white pills, than leaned over to a small mini fridge and grabbed a bottled water. Handing it over I quickly put the pill in my mouth and took a sip of water swollowing it all.
Turning my eye I went to thank the good doctor, when he looked closely at my face, leaning forward he grabbed my chin lightly and grabbed a tissue from besides him, before lightly, dabbing my eye, removing the little make up I had on the cover my black eye.
"Aye, lassie, now how did you get that?" He asked looking at me in concern.
"It's nothing, I accidently got hit in the eye by my mother's elbow." That was a lie, mother punched me in the face last night for being to loud when I was getting a drink.
"Here lassie, put some of this on it," he said handing me tube of cream," it will help the bruise heal faster.
"Thanks." I said licking my lips.
"Come one Mia, I have some foundation in my bag, we'll cover it up again." I smiled in thanks.
"On to class lassies I'll write you a note."
Taking the slips, we went out the door for our next class.

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