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The ride to the mini Mart was short, though I was curious as to why Raven came, after the meeting last night he went and put gas in his truck. I found a parking space between a truck and a light pole and put the car in park, getting out and clicking the key fob to lock the car door.
Walking inside we went straight down Aisle six. My mother had asked me to pick up some pads and to drop them off before I went school, she was busy with ty, my little brother. And Cody had something to do this morning. I looked at Raven, he was glaring at the sanitary pads like it was going to jump up and bite him. I held back a laugh as I looked at the variety the store carried though it was intimidating now how much shit women had to choose from.
A few feet away I could see a young girl, sitting on her kneees, as she held a little boys hands in her, her voice was low and quite as she gently talked to the young boy, and I couldn't hear what she had said, but judging from high pitch scream that the little boy let loose he wasn't happy. I elbowed Raven to get his attention, he looked up at me from a box in his hands, I nodded towards the girl.
He turned his head as we watched the scene unfold. The little boy stomped his feet and turned in a circle, throwing a tantrum over something, the girl was digging in her bag for something, another little boy that was besides her went up to the littler boy and tried to give him a guy, but instead he was awarded a hit to the face as the little boy flap his hands in outrage. The older boy flung his arms around the young girl as he wailed into her shoulder, gently her hands came up and rubbed his back up and down in a soothing motion. Her head turned to another little boy his attention a bat Mobile toy.
Ah, I thought so that's the reason for the tantrum.
When the older boys tears dried out she gently unwrapped his hands from around her neck and stood up, bending down she picked up the screaming child laying on the floor from under his armpits and sat him on her hip, he threw him self back hard, I stool a step forward to go help if she needed it, afraid she would loose the grip she had on him. Raven struck his arm out keeping me in place.
Raven muttered something in Russian. Looking at them again, she held him securely on her hip as she said something quietly again to him. He sniffled, his little face red from tears and slimy boogers that ran from his nose to his upper lip. Sudddenly she bent down twoards the older boy again, and the smaller boy wrapped his arms around him, than she straightened up and once again spoke in a low voice, I wish I could hear what she said to him. He gave her a hug and kissed her cheek, she smiled and pulled out wipes from her bag and began to clean his face. I smiled inwardly at them and turned back to the women hygiene section.
"What kind do you think we should get?" I asked picking up a box that said super heavy.
" I don't know shit about this stuff, why didn't your mom come?" Raven demand, I ignored him.
"It doesn't feel heavy." I said, looking it over, I was confused why would it say "heavy" if it wasn't?
"Wings? Does it fly?" Raven asked just as confused as me. Surely not.
A giggle sounded to the right of us. The girl from before came over with the little boy on her hip and the two other little ones following behind. She wore a pair of long denim jean overalls and a green striped long shirt where was her coat? Her  beautiful brown eyes alight with laughter hair pulled back in two braids that ran down past her hips. She looked at us with a big smile. My eyes went wide, I've been caught staring, I felt my cheeks flush red with embarrassment.
"Ahem, uh yeah my mom ran out and asked me to get her some stuff but I'm not sure what I'm getting." I laughed nervously. Don't we awkward, don't be awkward, I chanted in my head trying to play it cool.
The young girl bent down and pulls a green box off the shelf that says moderate with wings. "Here, these are usually the better kind to get," she looks to Raven "the wings keep the pad in place a little better and also to keep it, um, it from leaking." Now it was her turn to be in embarrassed, her beautiful face turning a beautiful red. Raven I smiled widely, she was absolutely adorable.
"What do you have there khoroshen'kaya malen'kaya ptichka," Raven asked pointing to the box at her side.
"Oh uh, pregnancy test." She said and showed us the box. "I was trying to figure out which one is more preferable.."
I smiled lightly and said ,"my mom used this one when she found out she was pregnant with my little brother he's three now." She shifted the boy in her arms, looking down I noticed the carrier for the first time. A baby lay sleeping in the carrier his peach fuzzy head poking out of the blanket that was draped over him. I missed what she said, I was just watching her, She smiled said thanks, waved and started to walk away. "Wait khoroshen'kaya malen'kaya ptichka, what is your name?" Raven called out to her
"Mia, bol'shaya medveditsa." She replied back swiftly in Russian, though I have no idea what she called him.
Our eyes went wide in surprise. Before he could ask her how she knew Russian, she had slipped away, waving her hand in the air in thanks, disappearing into the crowd with the little ones in front of her.
"khoroshen'kaya malen'kaya ptichka..." raven murmured sadly.
"She was probably getting a test for her mom, she looked about thirteen. she's too young to have a kid and especially to young to date one of us Ray. To young to date anyone actually." I said, looking for the girl over the sea of people
"khoroshen'kaya malen'kaya ptichka, looked troubled."
"She's a kid Ray, she didn't know what she was looking for." I excused, for the young girl, "her moms probably expecting and asked her to take the kids with her so she could think in piece and to run down and get a test. she didn't even know which one to get."
Walking up to the cashier I put the box on the conveyor belt along with some chocolate, bath bombs and some pain relief and of course the pads. woman deserved to be pampered especially when it came to their monthlies. If I-we ever got a girlfriend she would be treated like the princess she deserves. Looking around, I didn't see the young girl she probably had already checked out. I didn't even get her name. I wanted to see her again one last time , she was young but she was beautiful.

"come on lets get going, well run these by my mom's and than well head to school and well meet everyone their." i said grabbing the bags, and heading to the parking lot. still no sign of the girl.

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