Soon BTS enters the dining area, and the atmosphere electrifies. Some of the girls squeal in excitement while Lady and I just stare up at them without a sound.

"2, 3!" RM says before the rest of the members say, "Hello, we are BTS."

They are standing in order of their ages. Jin stood first with his short, dusty-grey hair. Next was Suga who had short, dusty mauve hair. Hobi wore his chocolate brown hair short. RM had short, blond-pink hair with an undercut in the back. Jimin wore his light pink hair short. Tae had short, turquoise blue hair and lastly, JK had short, light brown hair but wore hazel-green contacts.

Everyone claps as they move to join their tables. Jungkook moves over to our table and takes a seat. He is wearing a pair of black jeans and a black shirt with his signature black boots.

"Hello." He says in English.

"Hi." I say, nudging Lady from her trance. "I'm Nicole Ryan and this is my best friend, Lindsay Jayne. We go by Cole and Lady." I tell him and he smiles.

"It's nice to meet you both. Please excuse my words, I am still learning English." He tells us.

"It's fine." I say, smiling. "재밌게 놀고 있니?" I asked in Korean. (Are you having fun?)

His eyes widen and he claps his hands, "나는. 한국어를 잘 아시나요?" (I am. Do you know Korean well?)

"I know some." I admit. I am still learning as we speak." I continue in English as Lady was giving me a look.

"Ah. So you are not fluent?"

I shake my head, "No. I'm sorry."

"It okay. I know some and we have phone, yah?"

I nod and smile, "That we do." I say before the lights flicker to catch our attention.

"Welcome everyone!" an older man said from the front of the room, "I'm Bang Si-Hyuk and I will be your host for the show."

BTS clap cheerfully, they were happy to have their father figure here on the island.

"As you can see you are all placed at a table with a member. Tonight, you will get to know one another as this will be used as a game for tomorrow."

"Oh boy." Lady mutters and Jungkook laughs.

"Please be courteous and considerate with your words. We want a clean show." He says before moving to take a seat with the rest of the crew.

Our food is then brought out and I am relieved to see that its pasta. Lady had no clue on Korean food, and I didn't want her thrown into the cuisine either.

"Eat." Jungkook says as he begins to eat, slurping his noodles as he goes.

I cringe at the sound and eat my food quietly.

We sit there eating, not saying a word as I wanted to finish eating before we spoke as to not spit our food out at one another and I hated speaking with my mouth full.

Jungkook had other ideas as he began to talk, and I looked to Lady and groaned.

"So, I know your names and that you go by Lady and Cole. What can you tell me about yourselves?" he asks.

I wipe my mouth with my napkin before I speak, "I am 35 years old, and Lady is 33. I'm from Pennsylvania and she's from North Carolina, so we don't get to see one another in person very often." I start.

"We've been friends for 20 years. We met we her family was on vacation at the Outer Banks in North Carolina, and I had been there with my dad visiting family. We spent the whole summer being friends and kept in touch throughout the years. It was easier with texts and emails as we got older. Eventually, we started visiting one another each year until five years ago."

"What happened?" he asked.

"I got sick." I told him. "I had cancer and I had to take a lot of time off from work. When I went back, I was so behind that it took me years to get back on track."

"Are you alright now?"

I nod. "I'm cancer free as of next month." I tell him proudly.

"Good." He says and pats my hand with his tattooed one. "I'm glad you both here. Nice girls."

We laugh as we finish eating and the room falls silent once more as RM rises to his feet.

"I like to thank you ARMY for being here. I wish we could meet all of ARMY, but sadly, we never will. So, meeting all of you make us happy." He says as the room cheers.

"Tonight, we will rest as the fun of the show begins officially in the morning. Let's get to know one another and make this the best show ever!"

The room erupts into cheers. He goes to sit back down as JK smirks.

"He just wants to win tomorrow's game." He tells us.

"How is that?" I ask.

"He wants us all to talk about one another after dinner. This way he will know answers and win."

Lady snorts, "I'm going to bed after dinner. I'm tired and both Cole and I have had a long day. Most of the contestants flew in the day before and had time to rest at a hotel; her and I have been flying most of the day."

He nods, "Then go rest. I will make excuse." He tells us as we move from our seats and make our way back to our hut.

"This day has been wild." Lady tells me, "Are you sure we will be able to sleep?"

We enter our hut and close the door. I walk over to the closet and pull out a pair of silk short bottoms and a silk top before heading into the bathroom to shower and change. Once I'm done, Lady does the same. We settle into our beds as I turn out the light. "Let's get some rest and tomorrow can be another day." I say before falling asleep.

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