"Lizzie-" Gracie starts before I cut her off,

"A girl has needs, I'm not judging you." I wink at her as we make our way to the kitchen.

"But with that said lock your door." I add,

"Give me a big plate" I say to Logan when we finally reach the kitchen.

"There's not enough." He says moving onto pouring Gracie's plate.

"You already had your dinner big boy." I slap his back and pull out a chair next to JJ who is snorting.

"Good one Liz." Archie chuckles,

"Har-har." Logan rolls his eyes before placing both his and Gracie's plates onto the table. She smiles up at him as he places a kiss on her forehead and I watch them in envy.

"How's it going?" Gracie asks me as I inhale JJ's mums fantastic pasta recipe.

"Good, I have to write up my paper for Dick head Craig's class."

"He still giving you shit?" Gracie says her tone laced with worry.

"It's okay G" I lie.

"You can tell me anything you know, you only told me about Jax coming to your-" she clamps a hand over her mouth in realisation of what she just said.

I told her about my encounter with jax - leaving out the bits about Luke - when he came up to me and Gracie the next day to apologise. She promised not to tell the guys knowing that they would overreact and she kept the promise to my surprise until now.

"Jax?! What happened?" JJ is the first one to speak from next to me.

"Lizzie." Archie adds when I don't respond causing me to sigh in defeat knowing there is no way I could get out of this.

"I'm sorry" Gracie mouths,

"It was nothing. He just came to my dorm drunk asking for forgiveness." I wave my hand around trying to down play the situation.

"What time did he show up?" Archie asks with a stern look on his face.

"Huh?" I don't make eye contact with him instead focus on the pasta in front of me, fiddling it around with my fork.

"What time." Logan demands,

"Twelve." I mutter waiting for hell to break loose.

"What the hell Liz?! You didn't tell us!" Archie shouts,

"I know I know I'm sorry, it's all blown over it isn't a big deal I promise." I say,

"Did he hurt you?" JJ asks,

"No no I promise, I'm fine." I try put my best smile but it falters and I can tell that Archie can see past my bullshit.

It's always been like that with us, when I went to my first frat party freshman year and got harassed by a Senior Archie was there, he saved me and we hung out all night. When Gracie introduced me to JJ not long after and I saw Archie again we basically became glued at the hip.

Icebound Hearts जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें