Chapter 5. Sword Fighting

ابدأ من البداية

"heLl shOuld I kNoW!"

Ruin sits down on a small chair, passing out drunk.

Solar's perspective:

Ruin closes the door.

Am I hard-
Solar looks down.

Ok- No- That's good- Not gonna think about what just happened.

Solar puts on his clothes, putting the old ones to the side.

I don't even have a week's worth of clothes- I didn't think I'd be on water-

I'll ask how to wash my clothes later-

Solar steps out of his room, the first thing he sees is a passed out Ruin, next to an empty bottle of wine.

... Better then mom.

Solar goes up the steps to upper deck.

Solar see's Gemini, along with two barrels of weapons next to them, primarily swords.

"Uhh- what's going on-?"

"Well, Captain has instructed me to give you training in how to defend yourself. My family where a group of sword fighters, who'd distribute weapons amongst different groups of pirates. I personally was assigned to teach said pirates on how to perform the art of the sword."


"So, come up here and pick up a sword of your choosing, all of them are beginner friendly."

Gemini steps back, Solar stepping forward to the barrels and starts shifting through the different swords, trying not to accidentally get hurt.

Solar pulls out a light sharp sword, with a light curve along the sword, and from it's handle upwards.

Gemini quickly looks lighty displeased.

"Ooh... A falchion. Maybe I should've taken out all the specific use ones-"

"S-Sorry- this is the only sword I recognized-"

"Hm-? What do you mean?"

"Uhh... My family where blacksmiths for the town- I don't remember much-"

"Hm. Well, as long as you're not being attacked by long range you should be fine. Especially since where just going for defense really."

... What-

"You can keep the sword, and I'll take... A shortsword."
Gemini pulls out a less curved sword of similar length, and a sharper middle point.

"Uuh- So how does this work-?"

"Well, I am gonna try and attack you, and your gonn try and stop me, by tapping the sword on my shoulder."

"W-What if I hurt you-"

"I'll be fine. I'm not the one you'll need to worry about."

Gemini lunges at Solar, who falls to the ground, and holds the sword upwards, having both hands on the sword's handle.

Though, Gemini takes the shortsword and knocks the falchion out of Solar's hand, then gently taps the shortsword to his shoulder.

"You've died."

"W-whAt- I wasn't prepared!"

"You won't be able to prepare if you're actually in danger."

"... Ok..."

Gemini steps back.

Solar grabs his sword and stands back up.

Ok- that was bad- AAAH-

Gemini rushes at Solar once again, Solar jumping backwards and barely being able to block the shortsword from tapping him once again.


"You'll be lucky if you only have to deal with one person."

Solar glups nothing.

Solar starts pushing back on Gemini.

Gemini spots Solar's wobbly legs, and ducks down suddenly, kicking Solar's legs and making him fall to the ground, tapping his shoulder once again with the sword.


"Life isn't fair town boy. Either learn to deal with it, or die."

... I just have to stick it through.

Gemini takes a step back, moving the barrels of swords away.

Solar stands up grabbing the sword, clutching it in his hands.

Gemini calmly carrys the barrels down to lower deck.

Oh- are we done now-?

That was weird- They forgot to take my sword-

Oh well...

Solar awkwardly stands around, and is about to put the sword down.

"I wouldn't recommend doing that, Gemini isn't done with anything until they say so."


Solar turns around to see Earth, who still is looking off and steering the boat.

"Just a warning."

"What does-"
Solar feels a tap on his shoulder.

"You've died three times now."

"... I thought we where done-"

"Class isn't over until I say it is."

"... Ok."

Gemini starts to circle Solar, sword in hand.

Solar turns to keep an eye on Gemini, having his own sword grasped in-between his hands.

This is taking forever- how long is it gonna be until they go for it-?!

I'm supposed to be defending... Does that mean I can't attack first then-?"

Well if I'm being threatened... Then it could count as defensive to attack first...

Solar takes a deep breath, and runs at Gemini, who quickly block's the attack.

Solar steadys his stance, keeping an eye on Gemini's whole body, and not just the sword itself.

I can do this- just a bit more force...

Solar takes a step forwards, Gemini starting to wobble a bit.

Gemini twists their sword slightly, about to try and knock out Solar's sword, though Solar steps backwards, making Gemini stumble backwards, and allowing Solar to tap Gemini's shoulder.

"I did it!"
Solar jumps up, running around in circles in excitement.

While Solar celebrates, Gemini gets up and tap's his shoulder.

"Again, you'd be lucky if there was only one."

Solar collapses onto the ground, semi dramatically.

"Either way, for a first day at training, you have done very well, we will resume training in a couple of days."

Gemini takes Solar's sword from his hands, walking off as Solar crys half jokingly.


"I will fight you with my beautifully manicured SWORD!"/ref

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